[5] Interruptions

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Rowan had just finished up her makeup when she heard the knock on her apartment door. She knew it was Dan waiting to pick her up for their first date together. She looked at the time on her watch, saying it was 6:50pm - he was a few minutes early for the seven o'clock pickup time that they had agreed upon.

Setting down the lipstick that she had yet to apply, Rowan stood and went to go answer the door. She was dressed in a deep blue, long-sleeved dress that went just below her knees and black heels. Her outfit was bordering more on the fancier side of her typical fashion.

"Hey, you," Rowan greeted as she opened the door.

Dan was standing in the doorway with a bouquet of six black dahlias, Rowan's favorite flower. He was dressed in a gray button up and black slacks, also leaning more into the fancy side of his usual fashion.

"Wow, you look amazing," Dan complimented, looking her up and down. That made Rowan blush lightly and she smiled up at him.

He had seen this girl in many, many different outfits over the years, ranging from basically pajamas to more formal outfits for work and school. But this particular outfit was one that he believed she looked stunning in.

"Thank you, but I'm not finished yet. I just need to put on my lipstick and grab my purse," Rowan said, letting Dan into her apartment.

"Alright, I'll wait out here for you. Our reservation isn't until seven-thirty, but I don't think they'd kill us for being there early." Dan nodded and went to go find a vase for the flowers in the kitchen. He'd been at her house plenty of times to know where she kept those sorts of things.

Rowan retreated back into her bedroom to finish up her makeup and made sure that she had everything that she had needed in her purse.

Looking into her vanity mirror, Rowan stared at herself, noting at how dressed up she was. This was her first ever date and she was admittedly a bit nervous. She had known Dan for years, but as a friend. They were each other's best friend - each other's confidant. They had discussed in great lengths over the past few days the fact that if things didn't work out romantically between them that they would still be friends.

Though the butterflies that were in her stomach and chest felt as if it was a sign that things were going to work out just fine.

Knowing that they both had developed feelings for each other within the past few months felt...odd, but perhaps fate was kind that way. Though the irony was not lost on Rowan due to them being mistaken as a couple whenever they did anything together, and they always had to correct people.

She returned back to the living room just a few minutes later. She saw that Dan was fidgeting with the flowers in their new home which he had put on the coffee table.

"The flowers look lovely, Dan. I don't think they need to look perfect," she said, sitting down next to Dan.

"I know...I just wanted to make sure they looked nice," Dan gestured to the flowers, which looked neat and tidy in their vase.

"And they do. They're beautiful." Rowan hummed in thought as she looked between the flowers and Dan. "Ready to go?"

"Yep. You?" Dan stood up before offering Rowan his hand. She nodded as she accepted the gesture and stood.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she replied with a bright smile.

"Then let's head on our way," Dan said, the two of them walking to the front door. Rowan grabbed her keys from the hook they were on by the door so she could lock up behind them.


"Do you think I'm overdressed for this place?" Rowan asked quietly, taking a quick glance around at the other patrons once they had been seated. Dan had taken her to Olive Garden, a restaurant that they were able to both agree upon after a little bit of trying to figure out where to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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