Chapter 6: Students of UA Academy

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It was a sunny day at the agency and things seem to be calm as we see Philip heading out to check on the mail as he open the letter box and pulled out some stack pile of mail and goes through the mail until he finds a mail that interests him.

He takes the mails back inside and place one on the table where Shotaro is seen eating his toast at the table as he see the mail was from UA so he open the mail while Philip opens the fridge and grab an apple while Shotaro reads through the mail.

Shotaro: Huh, which you look at that. Looks like we've passed as UA's students.

Philip: That's great to hear. What else does it say?

Shotaro: Nothing much, just saying our classes and we have to be there by tomorrow morning. That will sure give us time to get things ready.

Philip: Agree.

Shotaro: Say where is Y/n?

Philip: I believe he's out with Tokime. Probably a walk around.

Shotaro: (smirk) Sure, just a "walk." I knew one day they will "go out" some day.

Philip: Guess there is a chance they will "go out" some day.

Shotaro: (smirk) Yep. Well, better go and train at the gym, catch you later.

Philip: Okay then. I'll tell Y/n when he comes back.

Shotaro nodes and leaves for the gym while Philip take a bite of his apple and head to his room to study.



We find Tokime and Y/n hanging out at the mall as Tokime is trying out some new clothes while Y/n was st the hat section where he looks at the good hats he have as he pick out one and looks it.

Y/n: (thought) They have good hats in stored here. So much so if I have a lot of money I would buy them all. However someone once say "Stick sith the classic, never change it." I wish it would be reply to TV shows or movies.

Tokime: (smile) Hey Y/n, everything alright here?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah just looking at the good hats here.

Tokime: (smile) You love hats do you.

Y/n: (smirk) What can I say. Hats make me a great detective.

Tokime: (giggle) Your funny.

Y/n: I'm not funny, its a fact.

Tokime: (giggle) Whatever you say. Anyways where to now?

Y/n: Well there is one place I usually go to think.

Short while later they arrived at a nice veiw of the beach as Tokime is amazed of seeing while Y/n watches with her.

Tokime: (smile) Soo beautiful!

Y/n: Yeah and oddly enough there use to be big piles od trash at shore but now it's gone. Huh, finally someone has clean this beach.

Tokime: (smile) Yeah I agree. So, are you nervous being a UA student?

Y/n: Not really. A detective never gets nervous.

Tokime: (smile) I like the sound of that. Say do you ever wonder who has been given people dopant gaia memories?

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