Chapter 10: Not a fan of elections

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We see Y/n and Philip walking towards the gates of UA as they were in the middle of talking about something when suddenly they get flashed by cameras as they were suddenly been flashed by reporters at the front gate which nearly blinds the two.

Y/n: Damn it my eyes! It burns from all the flashes!

Philip: I wonder why is there so many reporters here?

Y/n: I don't care they are hurting my eyes!

Then a female reporter accidentally hits Y/n on the head with a microphone as she ask them.

Female reporter: You two are UA students right? Is it true that All Might is part of the UA's teachers?!

Y/n: Hey lady how's about you and your reporters don't assault us with your flashing lights and these questions.

Female reporter: Hey you shouldn't be rude! After all you two are kids.

Y/n: (angry) Kids?! We're detectives you stupid bi-

Philip: Please forgive us. We can't answer any questions since we are kinda late.

Philip pushes Y/n before he starts a fight as they go through the gate. The same female reporter was about to walk in when suddenly alarms goes off and metal walls appear, blocking the reporters which surprised the two.

Y/n: Huh....Well good. Hate reporters. Always noisy.

Philip: I mean we too also do things that isn't our business.

Y/n: Well yeah but it's more detective work. Totally different. Now come on....let's head in.

He nodes and the two hesf into the building and hopefully the reporters will just give up and leave.



The two step into class and see that everyone is in their seats so they sat down and Eraser Head begins the class by announcing.

Eraser Head: Today you all will pick of our class representative. Talk amusing each other while I get some sleep. Don't wake me.

He gets into his sleeping bag and does so which Y/n begins to question if he is really a good teacher but soon the class wanted to become class representative as they all rasied their hands and saying they wanted to be one.

Y/n: (sigh) This is stupid.

Mina: What's wrong? Being a class representative is really cool.

Y/n: More like boring to me. Not a fan of it at all.

This goes on for some while until Philip calls everyone for attention in front of the class room.

Philip: I believe the most wise way to sort this is to have a class vote. That way there will be no arguments.

Tenya: That's a good idea.

Eijiro: Yeah but people might vote for themselves right?

Philip: True however there is a chance someone in this class will be voted even if it is to themselves. Its best we take it.

Y/n: Sounds alright to me. As long I don't hear bomb heaf screaming at my ear that's fine by me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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