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Collision - n. A brief event in which two or more bodies come together.
Adalyn's day started out just as any other day did, the birds were chirping, the bees buzzing, and her roommate Karen trying, unsuccessfully, to enter their dorm room quietly. After knocking over two vases, swearing loudly after stubbing her toe, and Karen's phone ringing loudly in the "quiet" of the early morning, Adalyn gave up sleep.

"So how was last night with Berkley?" She asked, sitting up. Karen gave her an apologetic look.

"First off, it's Brad. And second, it was great." Karen flopped backwards onto her bed. "He's amazing."

Adalyn cocked an eyebrow. "Amazing at what exactly?"

"Well he's hot... and hot... and did I mention he was hot?"

Adalyn laughed. "Yeah, you mentioned it briefly." Karen smiled.

Adalyn pulled out her phone and looked at her notifications. She gasped.

"Ohmigod it's today!!!!" She squealed, throwing off her covers and dashing into the bathroom to shower. Adalyn had waited two years for this day. The movie premier of her favorite book; A Guide to Magic and Falling in Love.

They had cast it just right, Adalyn thought, with Asher King playing the lead role of Hunter, a boy with strange magical powers that falls for the non- magic user Lily (played by the annoying Brooke Vekas) For the midnight movie premier, Adalyn was dressing up as Lily, meaning she had to wear a long, billowing dress resembling the one Lily wore to the dance. That had always been Adalyn's favorite part.
------------------------------------------------------From Maxwell T. Harlem's "Guide to Magic and Falling in Love":
Lily tugged at the dress' neckline, trying to make it cover more. "This is absolutely horrific. Do you honestly think Hunter will like me in this dress?" Lily turned to her best friend, who was sitting on her bed sorting out makeup. She glanced up and gave Lily a once over.

"Girl, you look so hot, they better call the firemen to put you out." She winked and Lily giggled. "Look, you look gorgeous, and if Hunter doesn't think that, he's an idiot." she said, before she plucked some mascara out of the pile and turned to Lily's face.

"I hope so." Lily mumbled.


"What are you all looking at?" Hunter asked his brothers. They were all staring slack jawed at something behind Hunter.

"Um, I think they're probably looking at your super gorgeous girlfriend, you idiot." Hunter turned to face Lily's best friend, Makenna. Makenna had on a long maxi skirt and a peach blouse. She looked cute. In a sisterly way, of course.

Hunter turned and had to do a double take. Walking towards him was the hottest girl he had ever seen. He could nearly feel his eyes bug out of their sockets when he realized who it was. "Lily?"

She bit her lip as if she was suddenly nervous and shy. "Yeah, I mean, maybe I should change. This dress is a little too much--" she was cut off by Hunter's lips on her own.

He pulled back. "Lily, I must have died and gone to heaven."

She cocked a brow. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Because I realized just how lucky I was to be dating an angel."
Adalyn sighed and rubbed her hands through the silky fabric. The dress was floor length and black, with red, silver, and gold engravings all over the skirt part. The neckline was deep, and there was a red engraving etched on the side of her sleeve. It was small, but any true fan of the book would know what it was. The dress had cost her a fortune but Adalyn decided that it would all pay off tonight.


Karen linked her arm through Adalyn's. They walked through the strip mall and the theatre came into view.

A crazy grin spread across Adalyn's face. She could feel her heartbeat beating in her chest. Karen giggled and jumped up and down.

When they got into the line to redeem their tickets, Adalyn tripped on the hem of her dress and stumbled forward, plowing into someone's back before taking them both down. Luckily, the stranger was a lot quicker than Adalyn was. He spun her around so that she fell onto his chest.

The wind was knocked out of her as they hit the ground and the stranger grunted from the impact. When Adalyn could breathe again, she realized what an awkward position she was in. She was sprawled across his chest, with her hands on his pecks and her head resting under his. She snapped her head up and looked into the strangers face. He had an amused grin, even though he was wearing a mask.

Adalyn stood up abruptly and the stranger followed her lead. When she looked him over, she gasped as she realized what he was dressed as.
"I must say, Sir. Hunter, your outfit tonight is impeccable." Lily said as they waltzed across the floor. His gave moved across her dress before resting on her face.

"Oh, but Lady Lillian, your gown is equal to no other." Lily giggled.


" look j-just like him" Adalyn stuttered and he smirked. She walked over to him and examined his costume. It was perfect, exactly as Hunter had it in the book.

"But your costume, Lady Lillian, is equal to no other." his voice was so rich that Adalyn almost melted right then and there.

He held out his hand. "I'm Ash."

Adalyn went to shake his hand but when he grabbed it, he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to it. Adalyn felt herself flush. "Adalyn."

Adalyn realized the line was moving and Karen hurried her along, a huge smile on her face. "Who was that?" She asked Adalyn.

Adalyn turned around as they walked to the counter to see the handsome stranger staring after her. She smiled. "He said his name was Ash."

"Like Hunter Ashton Wilde?"

"Yeah. Coincidence right?"

"Adalyn dear, I think you'll find that in the great scope of life, there are no coincidences." Adalyn grinned at her best friend.


"Asher? Are you coming? We'll be late for the bloody red carpet."

"Huh?" Asher King turned around to face his co-star Brooke Vekas. "Oh. Yeah, I'm coming."

"Good. Why are you wearing that ridiculous costume?"

Asher looked down at his black pants with golden embroideries on the bottom of the pant legs. His shirt was black but his vest was blood red with a small golden stitch on the pocket. No one would notice it unless they were a hard core fan like he was. Over it all, he was wearing a sweeping black cape with golden and red stitches. A half mask covered his left half of his face, to prevent anyone from noticing who he was.

"It's a classic, Brooke. Surely you would know that. You danced with me when I was wearing it." Brooke rolled her eyes and fake gagged.

"And I loathed every moment of it. Now come on we're already late." she turned to leave and Asher followed, but not before casting one last look at the mysterious girl who he already couldn't get out of his mind.


Hello lovelies! This story has been born from kind of a personal experience, but with a few changes to spice it up a bit. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

- KittyKitty01

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