the debrief

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It was a struggle to wake up that morning

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It was a struggle to wake up that morning. But the relentless beams of sunlight striking through the curtains only strengthened despite how many times Zoey attempted to squeeze her weary eyes shut tighter. Between her hangover and John's arm anchoring her down to those so heavenly soft sheets, it was difficult to even fidget.

"Are you awake?" His raspy voice had crept up on her, pulling her in closer so her back was now completely sealed against his bare chest while he planted a sweet kiss on her shoulder, making the girl involuntarily smile despite her eyes still remaining closed.

"No," She murmured quietly, a gentle yawn following not long after as she twisted herself to rest her head on his chest instead- still not willing to fully wake up yet. "How long have you been up?"

"Long enough to know you snore like a whistling kettle." He joked, running a hair through her tangled curls.

"I don't fucking snore." She denied defensively, opening her eyes to look up at him only to find that he was already watching her with a large amused grin.

"Whatever you say, Miss Richardson." He teased, rolling onto his side to hover above her making her giggle once again like a schoolgirl as he began littering kisses across her chest to her cheeks.

At that moment, both of them felt at ease and happy- spending time together like this was like listening to your favorite record. It was hypnotic, magnetic, and most of all light-hearted. With such heavy burdens on both shoulders, two stolen childhoods and not mention arranged marriages- they had more in common than most knew, and yet when together, it was the closest thing either of them knew to being at peace.

Heading down the stairs, Zoey hadn't bothered putting much on- opting to wear John's work shirt which hung past her just past her mid-thigh, and John wasn't much different just throwing on the closest pair of trousers he could find. Knowing the kids would be at school today, they'd planned on spending as much time in the bedroom as possible before life caught up to them again. "I need a pint of water after last night and a fat jug of coffee," Zoey complained tiredly, trailing behind John.

"You'll need all the caffeine you can get for what I've got in store for you today." John flirted, smirking down at the girl while wrapping an arm around her waist and guiding her toward the kitchen.

"Well, it looks like last night was a success for everyone." The pair were taken back by Aunt Pol and Benny's presence in the kitchen. She'd made herself at home, seated comfortably on one of the dining room chairs, sipping her tea with shrewd eyes and a cloud of smoke pouring from her lips, whilst Benny had rushed over to greet his owner, his tail wagging hectically as soon as he saw her.

"Aunt Pol," John cleared his throat awkwardly, releasing his arm from around Zoey as she crouched over to dote on her Benny. "What are you doing here?"

"Get some clothes on, Tommy wants a debrief of last night." Polly declared snubbing her cigarette, directing her gaze solely on her youngest nephew.

"Right now?" He sighed, leaning his arm against the archway lazily with disappointed eyes once recognized the pointed look his aunt had shot him.

"You might as well get it over with now," Zoey's cockney accent had captivated the room's attention as she'd risen up from her crouched position, "Sooner it's done sooner your back," A suggestive smirk crept across her lips, luring him towards her with a delicate kiss to which he couldn't help but smile as she pulled away, complying with his aunt wishes and heading back up the stairs.

"Men and their cocks," Polly's amusement wasn't hidden at all, letting a jovial snicker slip, shaking her head at her nephew's love-sick behavior. "Never ceases to amaze me."

"Shockingly, he was like this before..." Zoey trailed off, realizing what she was about to say and that she was standing in John's kitchen speaking to his aunt in nothing but a shirt. "Well, you know."

"O I do," Polly responded, a knowing look took over her amusement as she took another sip of her, studying the girl's awkward stance "Why don't you sit down, love? I don't bite."

Zoey offered a small smile as she pulled out the chair opposite, took a mug from off the table, and began to pour some brewed tea from the teapot Polly had already put out. "You mind if I pinch a smoke?"

"Go ahead," Polly simply gestured to the pack she'd flung on the table, leaning back as she continued to analyze the girl's nature. Zoey wasn't an idiot she knew what she was doing, in fact, she'd had to do it a few times herself. "Thanks," she reached over to grab them, lighting her smoke lazily.

"You know," Polly had begun, her eyes not moving off her even to blink "Our John, he's the best of us."

"I know," Zoey couldn't hide the smile spreading across her cheeks at the thought of him, but she attempted to conceal it once realizing.

"He's a good man, a good father." Polly continued, "But he isn't the brightest." That last part caused a small giggle to erupt, as she lifted the mug to her lips. "But you.." she pointed subtly, "You seem to have a head-on you,"

"Should I say thank you?" The comment was cheeky but in good nature, Polly smirked as she reached for her own cigarette.

"I'm not done yet so hold off." She warned half-heartedly. "Last time a young pretty girl got involved with the business, my boys got played for fools."

"And you want to sus me out and see if I'm a threat?" Zoey had gotten to the point like she often did, "I get it."

"Well, are you?" Polly deadpanned, her brows had risen as she in anticipation an answer.

"A threat?" She scoffed, taking a drag, " No, as much as my background suggests it, I don't want to be in the game anymore- I've grown up playing it, I'm done. As soon as this business with the Sabinis is done, so am I."

"Coming from a woman who's killed her own husband and betrayed her own brothers- why should I believe you."

"You shouldn't but it's the truth." Zoey admitted simply, "This lifestyle is what drove my poor mother to throw herself off London bridge, I'm not making the same mistake."

"You're not who you seem to be Miss Richardson, dare I say It's refreshing." Zoey didn't know if it was a compliment or not, she'd noticed most of what Polly says is double-edged. "But just know, I'm watching you."

"I'll keep that in mind." She released a polite smile before taking another sip, "And please, call me Zoey."

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