Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

I knew that I was going to have to tell him about it when we got home, it would take him a while to get used to the idea and to calm down enough to greet Clyde without attacking him. I spend the walk back to the pack house contemplating how I would explain it to him.

“Hey kitten, Uncle Clyde is coming to visit but daddy doesn’t like him so mummy will have to tell him first, okay? Can you keep it a secret for now?” I told him, knowing that Zeno would be the first to pick up on my unhappy mood anyway.

He would have just asked Oreo why I was so upset, and then it would have come out in a more awkward manner. “Okay Mummy.” He nodded, and stayed quiet as we slowly walked back. His legs were a lot shorter than mine and I was already quite small… So I usually carried him, but he’s far too energetic today and the 15 minute walk would be perfect to calm him right down.

By the time we had got back into the pack house, I had sort of created a plan of attack on how I would approach Oreo about it. The only thing I couldn’t decide on was when to tell him. I wanted to put it off for as long as possible, but I knew that I would need of the time in the world to make him more comfortable about it.

Heck! I didn’t want my brother to come and he was my own brother! It would only make things harder for me right now, but I couldn’t tell Clyde that. As far as he knew, I had gone back to the pack house after a few weeks, not years.

I sat with Zeno in the lounge room, waiting for Oratio to come back into the house. Zeno was watching T.V But I was having a mind conversation with my sort-of-boyfriend. I guess I would call him that, I know he’s my mate but it sounded a little impersonal. The Gods forcing us to be together and such. It’s much more romantic to think that I wanted to be with him just because he so awesomely sexy.

“Why don’t we introduce Zeno to the other pack children after I get back to the house? It would be agreat distraction for him and I wanted to ask you a question.” He had asked me, sounded excited.

Boy, this was just getting harder and harder to do. “That sounds like a great idea, we could get some alone time, and Zeno would be able to interact with other children.” I agreed with him, but for different reasons. “And then afterwards, Mum and Dad could take care of him for a while and I could take you out for dinner.” Okay, this time he definitely sounded really hopefully. He was asking me on a date.

Well, there’s a first for everything.

“That would be amazing.” I sent him across an image of me smiling, and he laughed through the link in reply, before returning to whatever it was he was doing before.

It was bound to happen sometime. “Hey my little Kitten, daddy says that it would be cool if you met the rest of the children in the pack, and had some friends to play with. Would you like that?” I asked him gently, if he said no then I would just have to find another way to ask him.

After the run in with Megan that had happened before, everything I did was based around Zeno and how he felt. It most likely would be for the next couple of months until my hands would be full with the survivors of the new litter.

I was hoping that I would have all of them, but it’s better not to get your hopes up too high. I smiled as Zeno replied with an excited yes, before running off into his room to grab some of his action figures. I suppose he was going to share them with the other children. Zeno really was a lot more mature then the majority of children around his age.

I suspected that Oratio had mind linked some of the other parents in the pack, because as soon as he walked through the door, a small group of children had followed – much to Zeno’s excitement. “Thanks guys.” I heard him whisper to the other parents as he took my hand and let me out through the back door, leaving the children to excitedly chatter to one another. There was an equal number of girls and boys in the group, all of them were children and all of them before the age of 8. He really had thought it through.

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