Evil N Headcanons

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This might be like the Darth Jar Jar theory of Murder Drones.  I first heard about this from my sister, who thought it would be interesting if N turned out to be the real villain and betrayed everyone in the end of the show.  I also thought it would be cool (especially if he was the one who killed Uzi's mom).  Not to mention how he doesn't seem to really care when V kills the other Workers (light scolding doesn't count) until she shows signs of attacking Uzi.

So, yeah.  These are some what-if headcanons regarding N's behavior, personality, and relationships if he were secretly evil.


-He actually hated humans pretty much from the moment he was activated.

-He knew they planned to leave the Disassembly Drones for dead as soon as he found out about the overheating problem.  I mean, really.  Any intelligent drone could put two-and-two together.

-But he decided not to say anything to avoid arousing suspicion.  He knew he was outnumbered and wouldn't stand a chance against J and the other Disassemblers as he was.

-After he met Uzi, the idea of leaving the planet resonated deeply with him.

-Of course!  He could escape to Earth and destroy humanity, establishing a new empire of drones with himself at the top!

-So, he pretended to join Uzi in order to put this plan into action.


-Evil N is cold, calculating, sadistic, ruthless, and cruel.

-He acts like a pushover, but secretly wants to rule everything.


-He really hated J.  (Not that he'd show it.)  She was always acting so superior, and yet she couldn't see through the company's lies.  He took the beatings, but inside, he was plotting revenge.  So, perhaps it's for the best he didn't get to fight her in the pilot.  The way he'd have brutally tortured her to death might have given him away.

-His crush on V may actually be a real thing.  I mean, sure, she's pretty.  But what he's really attracted to are her sadistic, killer tendencies.  Who better to rule beside him than someone just as ruthless and evil as he is?

-Uzi... is complicated.  She started out as just a pawn to get him off the planet so he could put his plans for world domination into action.  But over the course of their adventures, he may start to actually care for her.  So, either she'll join him and they'll take over the world together, or she'll oppose him and he'll have to kill her.  We'll see what happens.

The Reveal:

Perhaps Uzi killed a human woman, only to discover that she had a young daughter, and Uzi was responsible for taking that child's mother away.  Suddenly, she lost her resolve and let the kid go free, knowing she would never be able to make up for what she had done.  N questioned why and Uzi explained that it reminded her of how she lost her mother.

After making it clear that she no longer wants to kill all the humans, N smiled seemingly understanding.  But then Uzi felt a sharp pain in her back and looked to see that he'd stabbed her with his tail.

Uzi is dying slowly as N delivers his evil monologue, revealing his plans to exterminate humanity and rule all robots, and also gloating over how he'd been the one to kill her mother.

Uzi will either die here, or somehow escape and join the humans along with any other robots who remain loyal to humanity in an epic fight to stop N.


Uzi joins N as his second in command after V.  She's in charge of training the army as well as overseeing weapons production.  Humanity is killed and N may end up "married" to V at some point and they all rule over the drones forever.  But they're not completely evil, since everything they do is fair (even if they do have a tendency to torture their convicts).

And yeah, that's all I've got (for now).  Let me know your thoughts, and if you have any ideas that I can add here!

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