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What made this amazing was that it had some semblance of an actual plot.

Uzi just found out her Solver abilities gave her the power to open portals.  She discovered this by accidentally opening one under N and sending him through to another world.  And because she had no control over it, the portal closed before N could come back through or she could go after him.

Scene change to our world were my family and I now live in a large, rustic cabin in the woods on a mountain.  It's winter and we're celebrating something that gives us cause to light a bonfire AND barbeque chicken.

I was in the woods doing something, maybe exploring, maybe writing in my notebook, maybe taking photographs of the forest at night.  I don't remember.  But N appeared out of the shadows, and I ran away scared as I didn't know who or what he was.  And he started chasing after me (I'm not sure if it was because he wanted to calm me down and be friends or because he mistook me for Uzi as I'd had my hair cut short and dyed purple in this dream).

Either way, he caught up to me and after I'd calmed down, we introduced ourselves and became friends.  And he told me all about his home and the friends he had there.

I'm not sure how much time had passed (maybe a few weeks), but our home was attacked by some giant robotic monster.  (I can't remember if it was a snake or a bear, so I'll just say it was a chimera.)  And N basically sacrificed himself to save me and my family.  He hadn't had much, if any, oil over the past few days, so he was on the verge of overheating anyway.  He managed to stop the chimera, but not before it took off one his arms and legs.  After that, he shut down in the robotic equivalent of a coma.

Tearfully, I said to him (he could still hear me in his comatose state);  "You saved me and my family, so I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get you home."

I grabbed his arm and leg, and set them down beside him, hoping they'd reattach even though he was unconscious.  Then I grabbed a sled and put him on it so I could take him to my house and put him in a shed so he'd be safe until I found someone who could repair him.

But as I was walking, a purple portal appeared in front of me (I somehow knew what it was).  'Maybe this goes to N's world', I thought.  And since I didn't have the proper equipment for checking out portals, I just stuck my head in there to look around.  I saw what appeared to be a windowless hallway that was crowded with short robots that had similar facial features to N.

'This must be the bunker he told me about!' I thought, and walked right through, pulling the sled with N on it behind me.  Just in time, too, as the portal closed behind us.

The Workers were initially shocked at my appearance and screamed a little bit, but then calmed down pretty quickly once they realized I wasn't trying to kill them and went back to what they were doing, basically ignoring me.  (I guess they've seen weirder stuff than a human girl with an unconscious N on a sled.)

"Okay, N said Uzi had purple hair."  I muttered to myself as I began walking through the crowd, pulling N behind me, and looking for any drones that matched N's description.  I knew Uzi would be able to help him if I could find her.

Ahead of me, I saw Doll (though I didn't know it was Doll) with her back to me.  'That drone appears to be female and have purple hair.'  I thought to myself, and approached her cautiously.

"Excuse me, are you Uzi?"  I asked.  Doll turned to me, and I flinched back a bit at the scowl on her face.  She said something in Russian and I blanked.  "Uhh...?"

Doll rolled her eyes and pulled out a notepad and a pen.  Scribbling something quick, she showed it to me.

I'm not Uzi, you stupid human.

"Oh."  I made a derp face.  Suddenly, I heard a feminine voice scream behind me.


I turned around to see a purple-haired robot with purple eyes running towards us, with a green-eyed, baseball-cap wearing robot and a tall robot with short hair and yellow eyes close behind her.

The first one ignored me and immediately bent over N, concern and panic etched into her features.


The other two stopped just behind her, looking equally concerned.  Doll was just watching this all with a bored expression.

"Hang on, N!  I'll save you!"  Uzi turned to me, suddenly realizing I was there.

"What happened?!"  She demanded.  I explained on the way to (I'm not sure if it was her room or a makeshift drone clinic).  Once she knew I was not a threat, she allowed me to stay there while she repaired N.  I grew acquainted with Thad and V, who were also waiting for N to be okay.

I'm pleased to announce that Uzi was able to repair him, and he woke up his usual cheerful self.  We were all so relieved and hugged him.  And after the initial joy of having a friend back wore off, I realized I was starving and politely asked Uzi if she could send me back home.

She looked uncomfortable as she explained that she could not, in fact send me home as she had no control over the portals YET, and the one that brought me here was a fluke that she had made while training so she could rescue N.

"Oh."  I derped again, the realization dawning on me that I was trapped here with no food, no supplies, and no way to contact my family.


And that was the dream, more-or-less!  I did add some things to make it make more sense, but most of it is the actual dream.  Should I make a fanfiction based on it so I can continue the story and get myself back home?  Let me know what you think in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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