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Two years later~~~

"Happy birthday to you."

Rose smiled as she leaned over Angel's shoulder, watching as he admired his birthday cake.

It's been two years since she last heard from Namjoon or Jhope. They both disappeared the night after she spoke with her mom and Mr. Park, since then, she hasn't seen either of them.

Today was Angel's sixth birthday, and everyone, including Jungkook, her newly found brother, came out to celebrate.

It wasn't a big party, just a small one with friends and family.

Angel had spent the whole day running around telling everyone what a big boy he was now. Although Rose and his aunt Lisa still called him baby.

"Make a wish, Angel," Lisa said cheerfully.

Angel closed his eyes, clasping his hands together to make a wish. After four seconds, he blew out the candles and then turned around to his mom with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's cut the cake." Rose grabbed the knife sitting next to Angel's birthday cake and wrapped his hands around it. She helped him cut the cake first before she shared a few more pieces with everyone else.

Later that night, the party had finally come to an end, and everyone was packing up to leave. Rose was talking with Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo outside while Angel ran around playing tag with his uncle Chan.

"So how is everything thing with Jungkook." Rose asked, looking at Lisa with curious eyes. "Not bad he's actually putting in an effort to fix our relationship. He took me out to lunch the other day."

The girls nodded intrigued in the conversation. Rose was happy for Lisa and the other girls they all had a decent relationship except for her.

Not that Jimin didn't treat her well or anything things are just complicated between them.

"How are things with the baby Jennie?"

"Good, it's been quite stressful, though. I've been losing lots of sleep, and I don't have the time to be as active as I used to be."Oh, is Taehyung not around as often anymore." Lisa asked.

Jennie shook her head. "Nope, not after that job Jimin gave him." Everyone nodded in understanding. Rose felt sorry for Jennie she had the same problem because Jimin wasn't around, and she was working constantly.

After talking for another two minutes, the girls finally ended their conversation. When Rose got back inside, Angel was excitedly running up the stairs, trying to get away from Chanyeol.

"Slow down, honey."

Chanyeol spotted Rose and headed over to her. "He's a big boy mow cut him some slack." Rose scoffed.

"Let's see if he's a big boy when he trips and starts crying. Then will he be able to clean himself up?"

"He won't trip anyways. I have to go tell him I'll come back again soon to play, okay?". Not long ago, Chanyeol took over his family's business after his father retired. So he's been a lot busier than usually she tried explaining to Angel when he kept saying he missed him.

But the poor boy just didn't seem to understand. "Okay, I will." After Chanyeol left, Rose went to the kitchen to clean up after Angel's messy birthday.

"I just saw Chanyeol leaving. Where's Angel?". Not paying attention to Jimin Rose simply answered. "Upstairs." Jimin sighed it's been two years, and Rose was still upset with him. He thought he was making progress with her and Angel, but he thought wrong.

He was jealous of Chanyeol he left like he was taking away his role as a father. It took all the strength inside of him not to put a bullet in Chanyeol's head every time he caught him playing with Angel or touching Rose.

It made his blood boil, just watching the two have fun with someone other than him. He walked over to her, lowering to the ground, picking up a used paper towel that clearly didn't make it to the trash.

"I don't need your help."

"Well, I'm going to help whether you like it or not."

Rose didn't bother to continue arguing with him. She learned the hard way that whenever she started an argument with him, she'll never win. Just then, Angel came into the kitchen looking for Chanyeol.

"Mommy, where's Uncle Chan?." Rose stood up, hearing her little one's voice. "Your Uncle Chan had to go home, but he said he'll come back to play with you soon."

Angel nodded his head, although Rose could see the hint of sadness on his face. Jimin stood up as well and lifted the boy in the air and catching him when he came back down. He continuously did until Angel started to laugh, having fun.

"Isn't it time for you to have a bath you have school tomorrow." Jimin said as he continued his playful game while heading towards the stairs.

Rose stood still in the kitchen, watching as the father and son bonded in a playful way. It warmed her heart that Jimin was trying to be playful with Angel, but it took more than that to open her heart.

The next morning, Rose was having breakfast with Angel and Jimin. Jimin was going to work as usual, and Angel was going to school. She was also going out to meet some former associate.

"You look extra fancy today. Are you going somewhere?". Jimin asked. "Yes, I have to meet someone."


"You don't know them." Lier. "You can't be so sure. Who is it if you don't tell me there will be consequences later."

It felt more like meanless words than a threat to Rose. She's experienced enough threats to know which ones are scarier than the ones that aren't.

"I should get Angel's backpack so I can say goodbye to him." She quietly excused herself from the table and went upstairs to fetch Angel's school bag.

She came back down not long after with a small batman school bag, which was filled with school supplies. "Angel, it's time for school."

Angel nodded, taking another bite of his waffles and drinking a bit of his chocolate milk before hopping down from the chair. He ran over to his mom, who helped him out his backpack on.

She stood up and got her purse from the chair without sparing a glance in Jimin's direction. Unlike some of the parents at Angel's school, Rose didn't like having someone drive Angel to school.

So she took it upon herself to drive him to and sometimes from school. It made her life simpler she didn't want to be known by the other moms as the stuck-up rich brat.

She opened the front door letting Angel out first. She turned around to look in Jimin's direction only to find him staring at her in a sinful manner. She knew the consequences she'd be met with tonight.

She turned around and walked outside closing the door behind her.

Hey guys I'm back I just want to say thank you so much for all your support and also thank you for 1K on the Only Mine book you guys are amazing so I really hope you guys enjoy book two of the series I was not planning on making another book because I had sadly lost inspiration but you guys have inspired me and kept asking for another book so here you are don't forget to vote and comment bye for now.

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