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I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I gently pushed open the door. The room was dark, and not to mention cold as if no one had been in here in months.

It was quiet. I had suspected Mark to be here already scheming up a new plan, yet no one was here.

I closed the door behind me and turned the lights on. There was a large black couch in the middle of the room with a flat screen TV.

A bottle of wine was already placed on the coffee table with two glasses next to it. The hotel staff must have set it up before I came.

That's odd. Why was the house so cold then? Did someone forget to turn the ac off? I looked around and found the button for the ac. I went over to check, and as I suspected, it was set at 59 degrees.

I pressed the off button and went to pour myself a glass of wine.

I was about to walk out onto the balcony when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket, answering the call.   "Hello." "Rosie did you arrive at the location?" "Yes, now may I please know your reason for calling me?"

"Can't a mother he worried about her daughter." I smiled. "Yes, mom, I'm fine." I like that she's worried about me. I know she's trying to make up for the years she's missed. Although the situation we're in is stopping her from doing so.

Suddenly, the door handle began to raddle. "Mom, I gotta go. I think that Mark is here."

"Okay, be careful."

I hummed and hung up the phone, shoving it back into my back pocket. The door opened, and a tall man walked in. He had crisped black hair and wore a black suit.

He must be Mark. But he wasn't alone... in walked three other men dressed in different outfits. "Rosè it's such a pleasure to finally meet you."

I didn't say anything as he took a seat on the couch in front of me. He gestured toward the couch behind me. "Please sit." I hesitated before sitting down. "I thought we had agreed on coming alone, so who are they?"

I pointed towards the three other men in the corner of the room. He turned towards them, tilting his head before turning back towards me.

"Their not important plus if they dare spill any information about our meeting. I'll snap their heads off." I remained silent at his little remark. "Okay, so why'd you want to meet?"

He fixed his position on the couch, taking a small sip of his wine. "To make a deal with you."

A deal? Why would he want to make a deal with me. "What deal?"A deal that could bring our family back together for good. It would allow us to have full control of Seoul."

Full control of Seoul?! Has he lost his mind. No one has the power to control a city, let alone Jimin, and he owns the biggest mafia gang in South Korea.

"That's not possible."

He snickered. "Oh, yes it is, and all you have to do is join forces with me." I laughed. "I want to kill you, not shake your hand and go skipping down the hall." The small smile on his face disappeared.

"I'm giving you an opportunity to live... after all, we are family."

I got up from my seat. Unbelievable. I can't believe I wasted my time coming here. "I would rather die than join forces with you." I took another swig at my drink before placing he glass back on the table.

Grabbing my purse, I headed for the door. I waited for his men to chase after me, but no one came. I guess he's considered giving up.

I reached my car in the parking lot. I didn't realize how late I came, but night has already fallen. Just as I was about to open the door, my eyes fell blurry.

That's odd. I rubbed my eyes, yet my eyes remained the same.

Suddenly, the head began to spin as if I'd been hit in the head with a heavy object. I don't recall taking any pills today, so why do I feel like I'm going to pass out.

As my eyes slowly began to flutter shut, I paired my arms wrapped around me. I looked up just in time to see... Mark then, the whole world went dark.

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