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After dropping Angel off at school, Rose went to a mini Cafe not too far from Angel's school. "Is there anything that I can get for you today, miss?" A waitress asked.

Rose scanned the menu looking for something that she'd enjoy. She didn't really fancy this Cafe it wasn't really her cup of tea.The beverages weren't bad but the food and the vibe were terrible.

After carefully considering her decision on what to get she finally replied to the waistress. "Yes I'll take a vanilla latte please." "Okay I'll be right back with your order. You can pay at the front desk or leave the money on the table."

Rose nodded and then the waistress disappeared to get her oorder. Rose sighed as she checked the time on her phone it was already past 10:00 her meeting partner was late.

Her head shot up as the bell to the Cafe rang indicating that someone had opened the came in. Her eyes caught a tall man with bulky arms that could crush a person in half.He was dressed in a black jacket a hat and regular jeans pants.

His eyes roamed the Cafe until he caught Rose's eyes. He stalked over to her and sat down in the seat across from her. "Hey." Rose smiled, but her smile was shaky as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Where've you been? Do you know how shocked I was when you called me the other night." "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but I had to get in touch with you." Rose narrowed her eyes he had a very worried look on his face as if something was bothering him.

"Is everything okay? Why do you look so troubled."

The man sighed as if he didn't know how to reply to her question. "It's your mom she's been off the grid for weeks now. We've been trying to reach her, but nothing has been found."

He said slowly.

Rose was in complete horror. Where could her mom be? Panic soon overcame her scary thoughts ran through her head. She cleared her throat trying to suppress herself before she began speaking. Although she was scared, she didn't want Namjoon to know that.

Namjoon shrugged. "I don't know. About two weeks ago, she said she was leaving for a mission in Rome, since then we haven't seen nor heard from her." Rose opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it. The waitress smiled and set her vanilla latte on the table in front of her.

She looked to the side to Namjoon sitting in front of Rose. "Can I get you something off the menu sir?" She asked. Namjoon shook his head. "No, thank you." The waitress nodded and took her leave. As soon as she left the two continued their conversation quietly so no one could hear them.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do but you need to promise me you'll help me find my mom." "I promise." Rose knew her mom was capable of helping herself, but she was the closest person she had to call family at the moment.

After conflicting their conversation, Rose began looking through the cafe windows. Namjoon watched her carefully, curious as to what she was doing. "Is there someone your looking for?"

Rose turned her attention back onto Namjoon. "Where's Jhope didn't he come with you?" "No, I came alone he's on a mission right now. We found one of your father's long-lost son his names Mark."

Rose took a sip of her latte feeling refreshed as the milky bitterish taste consumed her tongue. "Oh, do we know what his intentions are?" Namjoon shrugged. "We're not sure yet we're still trying to figure that out I'll update you when we find something."

After talking for a little while longer Namjoon left, and Rose continued to drink her latte she couldn't stop thinking about what Namjoon had said earlier.

Was her mom really missing or did she have to disappear because of something that happened while she was in Rome.

Rose left the cafe a little later than she had expected.

She knew she would go home late so she pulled out her phone and texted the family nanny that Jimin had hired a month ago so she could pick up Angel from school.

Rose sighed as she started her car, she needed to figure what happened to her mom and there was only one person who could help her with that. Pulling into the driveway of Jin's house Rose parked the car and got out.

It's been a while since she saw Jin a lot has changed since then actually. Jisoo was now living here Jin and Jisoo got married about eight months ago.

Jimin had a hard time most of all accepting that one of his best friends was going to marry his sister. She rang the doorbell in hopes of anyone answering she wasn't sure if they were home since she didn't see their cars.

The door handle rumbled as someone opened the door she smiled as she saw Jisoo's slender body hidden behind the door. She smiled. "Rosie!" Jisoo squealed in excitement. She threw her arms around Rose's neck pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hi unnie." Rose slowly pulled away from the hug as she heard footsteps approaching them. "What're you doing here? is everything okay." Rose nodded and smiled.

She didn't want to lie to Jisoo but she had no choice.

Jin came up behind Jisoo and pecked her on the cheek. Jisoo turned her head slightly to look at her husband. Jin looked slightly different from the last time Rose had seen him he didn't show up yesterday for Angel's birthday which is a since she had invited the couple and only one came.

He had black hair now and he seemed more buff than his usually self. "You didn't answer my wife's question what're you doing here?" he said wrapping an arm around Jisoo's waist.

"I came to discuss an urgent matter with you." Jin narrowed his eyes he leaned forward scanning the neighborhood their were no cars in sight. "Come in we can discuss more in here." Rose nodded and stepped into the house closing the door behind her.


Thank you guys so much for being patient until I had uploaded this chapter I hope you enjoy don't forget to vote and comment bye~~~

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