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Rosè's P.O.V

My breath hitched as Jimin tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. What's he doing? we agreed to keep our distance between each other.

I won't let my body continue to manipulate me any further. But...why does he being so close to me make me feel this way.

Looking up, I caught him staring at me with intensity in his eyes. I wonder what he's thinking about? He slowly brought his hand up to my facing his thumb brushed my lips.

I need to stop him before things go any further. "S-stop, we can't." I managed to say.

He moved his face closer to mine now we were inches apart from each other. His hot breath made my lips shiver. "And why not it's not like we've never done it before."

Why did he have to say it like that. He made it sound sexy and pleasing instead of just something couples do for fun.

I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. What's wrong with me!!! Is my body betraying me once again? "We both know we want the same thing. Why fight it?"

"That's not true. I don't want the same thing." Lie. Jimin smirked. "Then why does your body quiver when I touch you? like this."

Jimin's hands lowered but right before he could do anything Angel came running down the stairs. I quickly jumped away from Jimin turning around I scooped Angel into my arms spinning him around.

"There's my little handsome prince. Did you get yourself all cleaned?" Angel nodded with a beaming smile on his face. I laughed.

"Good job are you ready for tonight's bedtime story?" He nodded his head excitedly as I set him down. "Okay I'll be up in a sec."

I watched as he rushed off back upstairs. As he disappeared upstairs I turned back to see Jimin leaning against the kitchen island. With his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'll wait, but remember your husband needs also needs some of your attention." He said and then went straight back to typing on his laptop.

I sighed and went upstairs to Angel's room. When Angel was three he'd cry all night and it distracted me from my singing career.

So I thought of a way to calm him down and reading bedtime stories to him every night seemed to do the trick.

Tonight I read him a story about a poor village girl who met a dragon and went on exciting adventures around the magic realm.

A few minutes later, I was tucking him in goodnight. "Good night honey." I said and pressed a kiss on his forehead. Then I returned to my room. But when I got there Jimin was putting on a very expensive black suit.

"Where are you going? It's almost midnight." Jimin picked up his tie off the bed and returned to facing the mirror. "Something came up so I gotta go take care of it." I closed the door behind me and stepped in front of him.

I took the tie from his hand and started fixing it myself. "When did you learn how to tie a tie?". "My nanny when I was young she made me practice. She always said it'll please my husband when I grow up."

Jimin nodded. "When will you be back?" He shrugged. "Not sure when I take care of it I'll call you."

I dusted his tie and nodded. I didn't really care that he'd be gone for the night... so why did I feel so lonely as if I was being abandoned.

Noticing my uneasiness Jimin kissed me on the cheek. "Don't worry it's not like I'll be gone forever." I rolled my eyes looking away from his gaze.

"I didn't say I was upset it's not like I've never spent a night without you before." Jimin chuckled and grabbed his gun and strapped into his pants in the back.

He looked at me one last time before walking out. I took a hot shower that night I needed to think and with Jimin gone I could do a lot more of that.

I just got out of the shower when me phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?" It was my manager. "Rosè are you still coming in for the comeback rehearsal?"

I almost forgot I was shooting the recording for my new song. I immediately replied with a yes it was a song I was working on for fun. But my producer had accidentally seen it and told me to release it.

I hung up the phone and went to bed. The next morning, after dropping Angel off I went to the studio.

After the shoot I sat in a chair sipping on a cold americano while scrolling on Instagram. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't waiting for Jimin's call. Why was he taking so long just to call me I'm starting to get worried.

Maybe something happened while at work. He sounded super serious the other night before he left. Chewing on the straw in my mouth I wondered what life would be like if Jimin wasn't who he was. Maybe I'd finally be happy with us...and just us alone.

Suddenly a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" The person whispered into my ears. I knew exactly who it was just by their voice.

"Lisa, what're you doing here?" I asked.

Lisa pulled her hands away from my eyes stepping in front of me. With her hands on her hips she asked. "How did you know it was me?" I set my phone down along with my americano. "Your my best friend I know your voice."

Lisa smiled and engulfed me into a bear hug I missed her. After I left Jin's house yesterday I text her to update her about my mom.

That's probably why she was here right now. "Okay now tell why you're here?"

"Oh right Jin sent me he found your mom she's fine." I sighed a breath of relief thank God mom was fine but bat still doesn't mean that everything is going to be okay.

Mark is still out there and he won't stop until he has my mom.

Hope you guys liked this chapter please vote and comment have a good day~~~

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