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Rose followed behind Jin slowly as she looked around the house. Nothing really changed except there was a really big picture of Jin and Jisoo from their wedding album. Looking at a picture like that really made her wish she was as happy as Jisoo on her wedding day.

If only her smile was as bright as her's.

She followed Jin into the dark corridor which leads to the secret meeting room it's been quite a while since she's last been down here, but things have changed since then.

Rose took a seat across from Jisoo as Jin went to fetch a jar of water. He set three cups down onto the table. "Would you like some water?" he asked. "No thank you." He pressed his lips together and nodded he poured a half cup of water for himself then for Jisoo.

He set the jar down in the middle of the table then he sat down in his chair next to Jisoo. "Okay what can I do for you?" Rose straightened her position in her seat.

"It's my mom she's missing she went to Rome for a mission it's been two weeks and we've heard nothing from her something's wrong Jin and I need to find my mom."

Jin's eyes widened he was in complete shock. He knew Rose's mom she wasn't the type to just go missing without a word she must have sent a signal right? "I know your mom and you do too she doesn't just randomly go missing without saying something. She must have sent a signal we must have just missed it."

Rose wasn't so sure that was the probably at all. She wouldn't have missed a message from her mom... unless someone didn't want her to know that her mom was in danger. But who would stop her from seeing such a message and why.

"I don't know maybe someone didn't want us to find out that my mom is in danger." She said tapping the table with her fingertips. "But who would do something like that?" Jisoo asked.

"That's the thing I don't know."

They all sat their questioning everyone they've ever associated with in their past and present life at this point anyone could be the culprit. Jin's face lit up. "Actually, there is one person who would do something like that his names Mark he's one of your father's sons."

Upon hearing the name Mark Rose's eyes glistened with fascination. "He's always been had his eyes set on your mom he's hated her ever since he met her when he was four. I'm not sure why he hated her but he'd always pull stupid pranks on your mom and when she told your father he sent him away to boarding school."

"Mark is the head of the operation your father started creating Mark is the one who finished the build up after your father died. The brother's banded together and decided to continue what your father created."

Rose wasn't sure where Jin was going with this but she was really starting to get annoyed with this Mark guy he was making her blood boil.

"I don't understand what you mean when you say all this." Jin took a sip of his water. "What I mean is I think Mark wants your mom dead to get her out of the picture she's done quite a lot to him to make him hate her so much."

Rose's mom was the sweetest person she knew but if there's one thing her father taught her it's that behind every facade there's always a dark side. "So what do we do then?".

"Well, we can cross our fingers and hope that your mom comes home alive, or we can get to your mom before Mark gets to her." Rose rolled her eyes at Jin's sarcasm. "Anyways have me updated when you find something it's getting late I should head home."

Jisoo and Rose said their goodbyes to each other before Rose went home.

Jimin and Rose's house

Rose opened the door to the house with the spare house key that she had. She figured that all the staff was probably asleep by now since it was late in in the night. To her surprise the lights to the kitchen were still on and Angel's bedroom light was glistening with light.

Rose slipped out of her shoes and slipped into her house slippers. She went upstairs to her shared bedroom with Jimin she put her purse back in the closet collection she had and went back downstairs.

Upon entering the kitchen she saw Angel sitting on top of the kitchen island eating a bucket of ice cream while Jimin sat in a stool eating out of the same ice cream bucket as he worked on his laptop.

Rose crossed her arms over her chest she didn't why but seeing Jimin and Angel interact like that sparked something in her something that warmed her heart.

"Mommy!!!". Angel called spotting Rose standing in the corner. He dropped the spoon he was holding and attempted to jump of the island but Rose ran to him and caught him as he fell. "Be careful honey it's dangerous if you jump off something this high." She said setting him down.


Rose smiled and accepted his apology he giggled and ran off upstairs. "Your late." Jimin said his eyes still glued to his laptop screen. "Sorry I had to make a quick stop somewhere." "That brings me to my question where were you?".

"I told you I went out to visit someone then I had to make a quick stop somewhere that's all nothing more I don't understand what the big deal is." Jimin slammed his laptop shut. "The big deal is your my wife I can't just let you go out one day and then the next day I never see you again."

Rose wasn't expecting that reply was Jimin scared of losing her?

"Don't give me that look." Rose narrowed her eyes. "What look?". "The I didn't expect that from you look." Rose scoffed. "I wasn't giving you a look I was just surprised that's all." Jimin smirked and stood up strolling over to where she stood. "Is that so there are a lot more stuff you'd be surprised from by me."


Thank you guys for reading this chapter don't forget to vote and comment also I will be changing the format of this story into a POV it will be in Rosies POV instead.

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