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Rosè's P.O.V

The next day.

It was this morning when I'd received the call. I was shocked and angry many different emotions went through me when I saw the caller ID.

But my biggest one was fear. The fear that I was going to lose someone I cared about but didt get a lot of time to spend with. I made my way up to the receptionist with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hi I'm here to pick up an envelope my employer said it was left here." The receptionist looked sceptical as if she dint trust words coming out of my mouth.

She looked me up and down before asking. "Are you Ms. Rosè." I nodded the bastard must have given her my name.

So much for keeping a low profile. She looked around the hotel to make sure no one was watching. Lucky for her people were minding their own business as they passed through the lobby.

This hotel was grand and luxurious the second most expensive one in the city. I'm not surprised though that he'd have people here who worked for him.

She reached underneath the desk and pulled out a sealed white envelope. She slid it in front of me nodding at it.

It had my name written on it in black. Thought he'd go for something more red to scare me guess not. "Thank you." I said after grabbing the evenlope and making my way out of the lobby.

I opened the envelope as soon as I made it back in my car. I clenched the paper in my hands as I saw what was written in red ink.

Stop looking.

I looked up and saw from the side of my mirror a man stood behind a tree. He was dressed in all black with a mask covering his face. 'Mark' I thought and then drove away. I went to Jin's house after calling Lisa to meet me there.

"What're you doing here?." Jin asked as he constantly checked our surroundings. I held up the paper his eyes immediately scanning it. He sighed and opened the door wider so I could come in.

"Mark." He said as he locked the door.

I didn't respond instead I walked down the hall turning right into the dark corridor. I knew he was following me so I continued to speak. "Yup it looks like he's been paving his way into my father's empire since he died. And he was watching in my car at the hotel where he left the evenlope."

"What do you mean he's been paving his way into your father's empire." I spun around coming face to face with Jin.

"It seems my dear brother has managed to buy the second most expensive hotel in the city using our father's money." Jin mouthed an oh and I continued walking.

When I got to the base room Jisoo was already waiting there. These days she's been really helping full Jin's been teaching her how to hack. "What's up?" I handed the letter to her and went to fill up a glass of water.

I was parched and all this Mark stuff was making my head spin. "Is it that Mark guy we've been talking about?" I nodded. "Omg does he know we've been onto him."

Jin sat down in his chair. "It depends we've not only been looking into him. We've also been tracking him and his brothers so it doesn't matter how much they know but they do have a hunch."

"Which is why we need to be more careful."

I set the glass of water in front of me and took a seat in the black leather chair. "So what's the plan then?" I really didn't know if there was a plan now.

The original plan isn't going to work anymore. Now that Mark knows who I am he'll stop at nothing to make sure I don't get in the way of his plans.

"That's the thing there is no other plan." Jin made a tsk sound. I turned to look at him now isn't the time to make me angry.

"Got something in mind, dear friend?"

"Well we could send Mark one of our own warnings maybe even a surprise." I wasn't following. "Where are you going with this?" I asked.

"Well every other year there's this big event that goes down and all the mafia gangs I our region is invited. Mark is for sure going to be there you can make a grand entrance with your newly found empire.

All we have to do is make sure that your empire targets known to everyone around the world." He's talking about my mother's empire which she turned over to me. "So you want me to make myself known to the world by scaring them."

Jin nodded with a smirk on face. "It would show power and fear and it would give us time because the gala isn't in another couple moths or so."

"He's right Rosie this could give us an opportunity to slap Mark back in the face. This could be your revenge an empire this big needs to be known to the world."

I closed my eyes I wasn't sure if this was the right approach for things. But it is the only option we have at the moment. And if planned correctly this could go well.

And with he right team we could have a good shot at being one step ahead of Mark. We'd just need to lay low for a couple of months before the actual mission where we present ourselves.

Whoever our is. "Fine let's do it but we'd need more team a year maybe even two to be extra prepared."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Now why don't you manage this big operation of yours and we'll start looking for recruits unless you have some in mind."

I do, actually. "Yeah I have two in mind you guys can find the rest. As for the name Angel's Of Death that's the name."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter also who do you think he two people that Rose mentioned are. Don't forget to vote and comment have a good day~~~

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