Chapter 5 - Prodgious

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As our feet hit the ground, the one after the other, I can hear the leaves crunch beneath our shoes and I can hear sticks breaking. Our steps are light and soft. We're walking carefully down a path which is unfamiliar to me, but known very well by Marc. Or it seems that way, from what I can gather.

Why do I trust him? What am I doing? Why am I going with him?

"Hey, twinkle-toes." Marc's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Look alive. This is no time to day dream." He says. He says it in such a tone that I can't tell whether he's being serious or just trying to make conversation. 

My mouth and nose simultaneously turn up in reaction to his remarks. I'm visibly annoyed, and I instantly regret showing it. I recall my reaction and I consciously return to my default facial expression.

"Do me a favor Marc, and keep your eyes off me, and ahead of you." I respond quietly, yet sternly.

Within a split second after my come-back, his eyes widen and his eyebrows furrow. He then frowns slightly, and turns his head away from me. He's looking ahead now, continuing to walk. We move at the same pace, just as we had been walking before.

It seems that I've surprised him. I've surprised myself. Normally, I always react mildly and never get into any kind of conflict, but regrettably... he knows me. He knows how to get to me. That's why I hate it when he looks at me for too long.

He makes me believe that he can read the innermost parts of me.

Where was I again? Oh right... why am I following him?

As we're walking down an unknown dirt path in the middle of the woods, my eyes catch a brightly colored plant. 'Goldenseal...' I think to myself.

I quickly pull it out of the soil as I pass it. As we keep walking, I study the weed-looking flower. It's petals are white like that of a dandelion's, but the middle is green like it's leaves. My eyes move down towards its roots.

Yes! I think. Still fresh and healthy. I should keep this safe.

With that thought, I dust off the excess dirt and place it carefully into my backpack as we walk. I make sure not to close the zip completely so that the Goldenseal doesn't get smashed.

My backpack resting on it's rightful place again, behind me, I softly wrap my fingers around the straps on each side of my chest and tighten my grip.

'Native to North America, the root of the Goldenseal plant has phenomenal medicinal value. It can support the immune system, treat infections, congestion and supports the digestive system.' I remember this from my "Medicinal Herbs" course I attended while in college, before the world changed...

This plant was already endangered and rare years ago. And it was practically extinct by the time I had attended that lecture. It's incredible that I found one, let alone one that's healthy and thriving.

The world is ending. No one knows it yet.

Marc told me about it a few weeks ago. I didn't believe him. I thought this was another trick he was using to get me to join his 'Paranoia Club'.

He and people who I don't know, would gather together every week and discuss all of the different ways that the world could end and how to prepare for it. At first I thought it was just something he was a part of to distract himself from his depression. But I guess I was wrong.

And it seems that soon, everyone else will be wrong too.

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