Chapter 48 - Undertaking

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"No! I'm not going back. Leave me alone, Bellamy. And I won't say it again."

"You have to. We have to. Stop being a selfish bastard and come back with us."
"Over my dead body."

"Listen, I'm not keen on the idea either. You know what I have to say about going back, but our camp can't keep those creatures out. We almost had a break in this morning."
"Ask me one more time, and you'll regret it." With that, Marc storms off.

I heard all of this from the inside of my tent. It's 2 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, plus Marc and Bellamy's arguing didn't make it any easier.

All of the sudden I hear an insufferable high pitched scream. Angelica I think to myself.
She screams again, louder this time.
Bellamy runs out of our camp and into the woods, where the screaming is coming from. He returns abruptly and swiftly with Angelica in his arms. He tries to close the huge wooden gate door but he's too late.

An irradiated bear attacks our camp. It's an awful looking thing. It has three eyes, they all seem foggy and blind. It's hair is patchy, growing in some places and not in others. It's massive and it's nails look like they're rotted away. It's teeth are massive, sharp and terrifying.

Without having time to register what's going on, I notice that the bear has gotten a hold of Marc.
"No!" I scream, and it was so loud that I almost lost my voice.

Marc fends off the bear and gets away from underneath it's grip. I run towards him and try to help him up.

"Cleo, no!" he yells. "Get out of here!"
The bear grabs onto his leg and starts scraping at it with his nails. I scream and try to help him, but he pushes me away and when the bear turns it's attention towards me, I dart towards the other side of the camp, where Bellamy and Angelica are.

Then, there's a loud "boom" sound. I immediately assume that it was a landmine. Maybe our base wasn't the only one surrounded by them.

The sound intrigues the bear and it runs off towards it.

I run back to Marc and try to help him up. He's injured. His upper leg is slashed open. Herbs or medicine won't help him. He needs real help, he needs a Doctor, a hospital.

There is only one place where we can go. ______________________________________
"We have to go back." Bellamy says, and I've never heard him speak in such a serious tone.
"You'll have to drag my dead body then." Marc shoots back.

Marc's trying to stand up and he attempts to walk, it was barely a minute since he stood up and tried to take his first few steps before he fell down and passed out.

Bellamy caught him and we collectively decided to return to a base where we were banished from, because we have nowhere else to go.
We return to the base and Bellamy's dad is waiting for us at the entrance. Bellamy takes his father aside and speaks with him. I can't hear anything that they're saying, but so far it looks promising.

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