34. The Talk

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A/N: the picture at the top is what Lynn looks like in the story:) This chapter is dedicated to lynnt21 she has done so much for me and I appreciate it so freaking much. Go read, vote, and comment on her story Precarious Fate.

Lynn's pov

I was a mess. I was covered in blood, sweat, and tears. Oh God what if they can't save Louis? Stop! Quit thinking like this. The ambulance let Harry and I ride in the back with them. I was shaking with fear. Harry grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it. When ours eyes met, both full of tears, but his offered some reassurance to me.

When we got to the hospital they took Louis into surgery right away. Harry sat with me in the waiting room.

"He'll be ok Lynn. He's in good hands" he said

I nodded.

"This is my fault" he said. I looked at him confused. "I treated him so badly when we met. Then we became inseparable. And then I hurt him. I caused him to risk his life like this. It should be me in there not him"

"Oh Harry don't blame yourself. This is one of the risks that comes with this job" I said. All of the sudden a women walked up to us. She looked around 40 to me and had long dark hair.

"Um excuse me. Do you guys work with someone named Louis Tomlinson? Someone told me he was being checked over here for minor injuries. I'm his mum Jay." She said. My heart dropped to the floor. Oh crap how do we tell her that her son has just been shot?

"Um Mrs. Tomlin-" Harry began

"Call me Jay"

"Well Jay you might want to sit down"

"Why?! What's wrong?"

Harry explained the story of what happened up until this point. It was torture watching Jay's reaction. She was a sobbing mess and so were we. Harry and I tried comforting, but we were failing to hold ourselves together also. Not long after the boys walked in, they didn't look so good either. I tried to fill them in on how Louis got shot. After a while Simon came in and walked up to us.

"Lynn may I talk to you please?" He asked me. I was confused.

"Yea.. Sure" we got up and walked down the hospital hallways.

"You deserve more than a simple thank you for what you have done for us. I have an offer that I would like to give you. Would you like to join team Direction?" I was shocked at what he asked. This is a dream. Oh my God.

"Uh...yes.YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!" I exclaimed in joy. He laughed. "But what would I be doing? what's my part?"

"Well you see Harry is the 'smooth talker', Liam's like the leader, Louis's the bait, Niall's the hacker, and Zayn was the observer"

"So am I the observer now?"


"Then what am I?" I questioned. He chuckled.

"Well I want you to find yourself. I want you to decide who you are going to be. I want you to find your own part and make yourself fit in" he said, but when he said it he kind of acted like he was hinting at something, but I didn't understand. "you'll understand soon enough" he smiled. "Welcome to the team Lynn" he patted my back and walked away.

Well that just happened. Holy crap I'm excited. I wanted to tell the guys, but I went out to get fresh air. I walked through an alley at the back of the hospital. I saw someone move from the corner of my eye.

"Who's there?" I asked. Soon enough one of the biggest dirt balls EVER walked out to reveal him. It was Sam. I cracked my knuckles. "This is going to be fun" I said to myself.


Lynn's Pov Continued

That was a good stress reliever. My knuckles were bruised and cracked, but it was worth it. As I walked away, I saw police running to put Sam in handcuffs. I felt unstoppable. I FELT BULLETPROOF!!! Oh wait that may not be good to say right now. Anyways as I walked through the sliding doors Niall ran up to me and embraced me in a hug.

"Oh Lynn you scared us." He said. "You were gone for so long! What happened to your hand?"

"Um.. I just had to take care of 'some unfinished buisness' "

"Oh ok. What did Simon want?"

"To tell me I'm on your team now" the smile on Niall's face widened.

"YAYAYAYAY THIS IS GREAT!!!!! I'm so excited. As soon as Louis gets better we're going to be unstoppable. Let's go tell the rest of the boys." He grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me to where Harry and Liam were. Boy this kid had energy after going through crap. As soon as we got there a doctor came to us right before we got a chance to say anything.

"Are you guys here for a Lewis Tomlinson?" The doctor asked.

"It's Louis. Pronounce it like Loo-Wee!" Harry snapped. Liam elbowed him. Harry mumbled a sorry and looked at the floor.

"Well ok. We have some news on Mr. Tomlinson"

A/N: yay another update. Please go read, comment, and vote for lLynnt21 's story. It would mean a lot if you did.


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