37. Confused

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Lynn's pov

It was an agonizing wait for Louis. Finally after six LONG hours we finally got to see him. Jay went first, and dang she was in there for a loooonnnggg time. I went to see him after her and my heart was racing faster than twenty million billion cheetahs. When I saw him relief flooded me to know that he's ok.

"Louis are you awake?" I asked softly. His eyes cracked open.

"Mmmhmmm" he groaned. Before I knew it, my eyes were flooding over with tears and I was talking really fast.




"Can you come here?" I walked over to his bedside.

All he did was stare at me.

"What?" I asked and he sighed .


Ok that's not right.

Ok ok I knew all about the him and Harry thing.... It was quite obvious. I knew that Harry liked him, maybe even loved and I didn't want to hurt that.
But since I saw that Louis wasn't returning the feeling, I thought that I should make a move. But something was starting to hit me, but I chose to try to block it out.

"I-I love you Louis" I said. It took a lot of courage. He smiled, but I could tell that something was wrong. "Louis what is it?" I asked a little concerned.

"Listen Lynn I like you too. I mean I want to be close with you, but now isn't the best time. I just can't right now... Too many confusing things going on. I really do care for you though..."

"Louis you're the one confusing me right now. One minute you like me the next you don't."

"I can't right now Lynn. You're a great, but I don't wanna push a relationship into mine and your life right now after everything that's happened. I want to get to know you better. I want to go on dates and hang out, but I want to heal from everything first. We're not even dating and we've kissed. I don't wanna rush things Lynn. I wanna know who you are. I wanna know you favorite color. Your middle name. Favorite sport and favorite number-"

I was blushing so much I bet I looked sunburned. I was giggling like a schoolgirl. "Louis you are such a dork"I laughed away the tension. "purple, Rose, soccer, and 18," I know that we belong together. I respect what he wants and it's a good idea. I stood up. "I want to know you too Louis. It's a good idea to take it slow. I just have one more question?"

"And what is it?"

"May I have one more kiss before we start over as friends and hopefully become something more?" He rolled his eyes and we kissed. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

I expected sparks and I couldn't feel those sparks...I love this boy so freaking much. A nurse walked into the room and Louis and I pulled apart.

"Ok lovebirds. Visiting hours are over" she said. I nodded and got up. I flashed Louis a smile and walked out the door. I forgot to tell him that I was on the team, but that's ok. I don't want to overwhelm him. I love Louis and I will fight for his heart no matter what.

Louis's pov

I'm happy I told Lynn I wanted to take things slow. It's half the reason though why I don't want a relationship right now.

The other half is me being confused. I truly like Lynn a lot. I want to be with her so much I can't explain it, but I also feel something for Harry too.

The way his hair shines in the sun, how his eyes are the color of the forest...

Ugh!!!!! Whyyyyy is this so complicated?!?!

I need time to figure this out, and I know that I will... eventually, but for now I just want to get better.

A/N: sorry for the long wait. I'll post on Thursday.

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