Chapter 4- And that's when it got awkward...

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Ryan's POV

He sat up, he was dangerously close to knowing all. I felt his damp breath on my face as I tried to look serious. I couldn't, I knew I was blushing. The thoughts were threatening to escape via my mouth but there was a barrier, stopping them from escaping but causing me to choke. Brendon grinned,

"I think you've got a crush on somebody!" He teased, his eyes sparking in a taunt. Why did he have to know me so well? "You were like this with Keltie!" He grinned. I shook my head, trying to hold his stare. I faltered, looking at my hands. "C'mon Ry! Spill the beans!"

"Brendon, I can't.." I murmured, picking at one of my nails.

"C'mon!" He said again, widening his eyes and snuggling close to me, "You know you can't resist this face!" He teased. He was right, I couldn't resist that face. His lightly tanned skin and large hazel eyes, he was like a portrait of perfection just staring at me, I felt myself flood red, an unintentional giveaway.

"Okay, I give up.. I do like somebody..." I gulped, sucking in my breath, Brendon moved forward in anticipation, his expression so childish. "Brendon.. I like you.." I stuttered, biting my lip. The colour drained from his face and he jerked sharply away from me. No. This couldn't be happening. I'd trusted him and he'd just thrown it back in my- "Say something Brendon!" I snapped, knowing that if I didn't portray anger, I'd portray weakness.

"I-I don't know what to say.. " He choked. I'd never seen him like this. Quickly, I stormed off, running into my room and slamming the door shut. I slid against the wall, collapsing in an organised heap on the ground. What the hell had I just done? I'd ruined my friendship, my career, my love life, my everything! And all in a short four words. I was hopeless now.

I grabbed one of Brendon's tshirts from the floor and began to sob into it. I knew I'd blown it now. Another half an hour of feeling sorry for myself passed before there was a knock at my door. My heart pounded, had he forgiven me? I jumped up, drying my eyes and chucking the tshirt to the ground. " Hello? " I called, trying to level my voice.

" Can I come in? " A voice that wasn't Brendon's replied. It was Spencer. I didn't answer, just unlocked the door. I sat on my bunk, shutting my eyes, shutting off the world.

" What do you want? " I hissed.

" I want to know why you and Brendon have turned into sloths! You're both showing no emotion, lying in the same position and not speaking to anybody. What happened? " I looked at Spencer, there was no point in hiding it now. I took a deep breath,

" I told Brendon that I like him. More than a friend. "

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