Chapter 10- Not Again...

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Hey guys! So because you're all amazing and I love you more than anything.. The next chapter  is going to be something special. Not only is it going to be the longest chapter I have wrote, it will also feature some very different POV's. I'm hoping I can include some Sarah, Brendon, Spencer and Dallon..  Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while.. I haven't been busy but I have had a bad case of writer's block.. 

Ryan's POV

I stood outside the restaurant with Spencer and Dallon. It was cold and my jacket was still inside. Brendon and Sarah had burst into a full blown row after opening my present and I couldn't feel more at fault. We'd shifted outside to give them some space. I ran a hand through my hair and leant against the wall. I felt Spencer's hand on my shoulder,

"Ryan.." He began, a reassuring tone in his voice.

"Don't even start, Spencer. It's my fault. I leave Brendon's life for a few years and he's back on track, doing better than ever before! I'm back in his life for what? An hour? Less? And he's already rowing with his wife! I knew I shouldn't have come.. It was as stupid idea." I huffed, blatenly just feeling sorry for myself. Spencer shook his head,

"Brendon's  been going through a rocky patch with Sarah for weeks.. It's not you.." He attempted to comfort me. I just sighed and sulked. Dallon approached me next, seemingly a lot shyer than he'd come across on stage,

"Y'know, Brendon really misses you.." He chirped, smiling a little,

"I missed him.." I admitted for the first time in years. It felt weird to say, that I'd actually missed him. Even though I'd been the one to walk out on him all those years ago. We needed to talk, needed to have a private conversation. If things were just to go back to normal. our relationship would crumple. I couldn't let that happen, not again. I couldn't even remember why we fell out in the first place, we were scarcely more than teenagers and I'd thrown my heart into a career destined to fail. On that, if I was being frankly honest with myself, I wouldn't even be enjoying if it weren't for him. For Brendon.

I fumbled in my pocket for a cigarette and lighter, relieving myself of any stress I had temporarily. Spencer gave a concerned roll of the eyes and attempted to reassure me again. Maybe that's what I needed, a little self pity,

"Ryan, you should go and talk to him, he needs you right now."  Spencer practically pleaded, clasping his hands together. I took a deep breath,

"You're right, he does. Are they finished in there? I need to go and speak to him, for my own sake too.." I let out. Dallon nodded,

""Brendon's gone to the bathroom, I wouldn't be surprised if he needed a good hug." His smile lessened to more of  a sad smile. Swiftly, I dismissed myself, passing through the main restaurant and my jacket as I walked to the bathroom. As I pushed open the door, the sight I saw broke me. I almost fell to my knees beside him. Brendon was a mess, his cheeks were stained with tears but that wasn't what struck me. We weren't teenagers anymore and for him to be doing this was... wrong. 

"Brendon, no!" I almost screamed, snatching the blade from his hand

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