Chapter 13- Wandering the Streets Alone Attracts Too Much Attention

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Ryan's POV

I throbbed, my head pounding. My brain was screaming white noise that knocked me off-balance. I'd clearly let myself go off the rails last night. Or this morning. It was clearly passed noon by the time I had woken up. My entire mind was a fog and the shooting pains all over my body were not a good sign.

Where was I? I was inside, there was no breeze and I seemed to be lying on some sort of bed.

Was I at home? No, I couldn't be. My cat wasn't by my side, pawing for attention.

Where was I? I hadn't gone home with anybody. There was nobody around. But upon closer inspection, I realized. I realized I wasn't alone.

Doctors and nurses along the corridors, seeing to their other patients. The drip carefully inserted into my vein led up to a plastic bag containing clear liquid.

This was a hospital.

I felt my chest tighten, my stomach contracting and contorting with fear. I hated hospitals. Everything about them just put me on edge. Hospitals were evil. Everybody that had ever loved me had died here. Metaphorically or Physically.

I turned to the side of my bed, fumbling for the small red button that would alert the doctors that I was seeking attention. I needed to know what had happened to me. I wanted to know if there was anybody waiting to see me.

A young blonde doctor, no older than 24, entered in a swift flurry,

"Hello, sir. Are you okay?" She said quickly, a shade of red brushed over her pale cheeks. I nodded in response and propped myself up,

"Sorry. Um, My name is Ryan Ross and- um- I was just wondering why I was here..." I couldn't manage to keep my voice composed. I sounded drunk, high. I wondered, what if this was all just illusion? This girl is just another stoner, and Im still immensely intoxicated. Wishful thinking.

"Oh, last night, sir. You collapsed due alcohol over-consumption and were hit by a car. We believe that your liver is quite badly damaged and you've a few bruises from the collision." She explained, providing me with a sympathetic smile.

My heart stopped. No. Alcohol over-consumption? Alcohol poisoning? I had sworn that this would never happen to me. I was turning into my father. The vile man that had broke. me into rubble for the world to ridicule. And I was becoming him.

"H-have I had any visitors?" I asked cautiously, only for her to shake her head. She glanced through the papers attached to the bottom of my bed,

"Nobody know that you're here, sir. Perhaps you'd like to call somebody?" She suggested, indicating to my phone, slung onto the bedside cabinet.

"Yes, actually, yes I would"

Spencer's POV

I just couldn't complete this god damn puzzle. The last 9 hours of my life had been spent comforting Brendon and completing the leaning tower of Pisa. Lego.

Brendon and Sarah had had another row this morning. A big one. She had thrown the wedding ring in his face and kicked him to the streets. He came to me before anybody. So Sarah wouldn't find him. She didn't know where I lived.

He'd broken down. Apparently, he was never really in love with Sarah. He loved her, sure, but more like a sister. There had always been somebody else that he was in love with.

My phone vibrated from the dining room table, and before I could move to answer it, Brendon was already there.

"Hello?" he asked with slight confusion, having obviously forgotten to check the caller ID. A few seconds passed

"Um, he is here... Who is this?" Muffled words then Brendons face dropped and he clasped a hand to his mouth. The phone was shoved in my direction.

"R-ryan. He's in hospital. It's serious" Brendon whispered quietly, sinking into a crouched ball. I gulped before pressing the mobile to my ear,


"Hey, Spencer." He sounds ill.

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

"Chill with the questions, Spence" he chuckled weakly, "Im in hospital-" I could hear the shudder in his tone "- My liver is damaged and I-I- Its what my father had. Before he died" He depleted.

"Oh god. Ryan? Stay strong, youll be okay, we're coming over now." I assured, already searching for my shoes.

"We're? Who are you bringing?"


"What? No! He cant come"

"Shut up, you idiot, you love him" And I hung up with a sad smile.

Turning to Brendon, I gave a soft sigh. He was shuddering, shoulders shaking. I couldn't quite fathom for which reason he was crying, but I took a stab in the dark. I rubbed his back,

"You and Sarah will be fine.." I pulled him to his feet. Wrong guess apparently.

"What about Ryan? I love him, Spencer. He's the one. He can't die, atleast, not before he knows how I feel for him"

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