Chapter 3 - Run Away

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8:47 AM
I wake up and I'm in a bed, CHRIS' BED! How did I get here? Where is Chris? Why didn't he wake me up? What time is it? I have so many questions. I look down to the couch and see Chris sleeping on the couch.

I get up and go over to Chris' closet and grab out snowflake pajama pants and his Creme fresh love hoodie. I start to walk out until Chris grabs my wrist "Are you taking my clothes without asking again?" He sounds tired and his voice is raspy. "Yeah? So what?" "Nothing, but after you change come back here." "Nope." I say walking out.

I go to the bathroom and start getting changed. After I'm done I go into Chris' room "What do you need?" I say trying to get this over with. "People think we're dating." He says not looking away from his phone. "What?!" I almost yell. "Because you were wearing my hoodie and you slept in my bed." He's still on his phone. "Great." I huff and walk out. I decide to post on my insta and Snapchat story. I say "I don't know why you guys always jump to conclusions but me and Christopher are NOT dating I would NEVER."

After I "clear that up" I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. I put 2 waffles in the toaster and grab the peanut butter. Once the waffles are done I spread the peanut butter on them and put them together then I remember Amanda's words. "You're always eating you're such a fatass" I go into Nic's room and give him the waffle instead then I go to check on Matt.
I walk in and ask him how he's holding up. "I'm really better I realized she doesn't deserve me anymore." He says with a smile.

"Hey can I talk to you?" He says. Shit. "Yeah sure what's up?" "Chris told me he found you in the bathroom..." I just sit there. "You don't have to talk about it" he says hopefully "No it's okay, It's just... what Amanda said really got to me and I didn't know how else to cope..." "I'm so sorry
y/n/n..." "I don't wanna talk about it anymore..." "That's okay thanks for telling me." I walk out and grab a Diet Pepsi out of the fridge and open it. I sit on the couch and turn on my favorite movie "The Meg."

-Time Skip To 3PM-
I just went to Taco Bell and got the boys food and I got a drink. I walk in the house and sit the food on the counter and call all of the boys to come get food. They all run downstairs and I watch as they all fight over food. Then we all watch TV "Y/n did you not get anything you love Taco Bell?!" Matt asks me, I can hear his concern is his voice. "I ate it in the car. Chris gets up and goes through the bag, we look at each other and shrug. "You're lying." Chris says sternly. "What do u mean?" How does he know? He hands Nick the receipt. "He's right there's no food except for what we're eating... why aren't you eating?" Chris and Matt exchange a look and I just sit there. "Y/n! Why aren't you eating!" "Idk I'm just not hungry." "When was the last time you ate a real meal?" Yesterday Morning. "Last night!" I yell getting defensive. "Liar." Matt mumbles.

Me and Nick continue arguing until I finally blurt out "FINE YOU WANNA KNOW WHY, ITS BECAUSE IM A FATTASS IM FAT!" "Y/n... you're not fat." Nick tries to hug me but I leave and go into Chris' room to return his clothes. He walks in after I've changed into my clothes and sits down.

I walk out and leave the house. Not for good I'm just going to the park. It's about a 12 minute walk so I walked I need the exercise  anyways. I get there and sit on the swings putting in my AirPods and turn on "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes After Sex. I start to slightly swing and I get flashbacks to when me and Amber were best friends. I shake it out of my head and keep swinging.

-4 1/2 hours later-

I'm still at the park and it's getting dark. I check my phone and see a bunch of missed calls and texts

Christopher: 7 Missed calls
Christopher: 13 iMessages
Matty 🤓:  18 Missed calls
Matty 🤓: 34 iMessages
Nickyyy: 13 Missed calls
Nickyyy: 9 iMessages

I open Matt's text first and I see

Y/n where are you?
Y/n are you okay?
Y/n you're making me nervous
Where did you go?
Are you okay?
Please come back?
We wanna talk.
We miss you
We're sorry come back
You don't have to talk
Come back y/n
Are u okay?
Answer my calls
Are you at the park?
Chris is coming to the park.
8 minutes ago

Chris is on his way?
I look up and see someone running in the park entrance it's him. He looks at me and runs over. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah I'm fine Nic just made me upset." "You need to talk to him he didn't mean to pressure you or anything." "Okay.. let's go back then.." me and Chris walk in silence to the triplets house.

When we get there Nick runs up and hugs me "Y/n I'm so sorry please don't hate me. I didn't mean to pressure you and I'm sorry I yelled at you and I'm sorry that I made you upset and I'm-" "Nic it's okay. You don't need to apologize I understand." "Okay well can we at least go get you food? We can go to *your favorite restaurant* and get *your favorite food*!" "Ummmn sure." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. With that me and Nick hop in the back of the van while Chris and Matt are in the front.

This is a short chapter but there's only gonna be 2-4 more chapelters where y/n and Chris have beef.

Word Count: 1026

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