Chapter 19- L.A Trip

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A little mature not anything worse than any though you've read just some hickeys. I will not be putting a warning for this part.

The plane lands and we walk through the airport to find a restaurant and we go to Chili's. I sit across from Chris and next to Nic. Because of our "seating arrangement" Chris is pouting and we're all laughing at him. "Aww poor Chrissy he wants to sit next to his girl fwiend." Matt says and we all start laughing and Chris flips all of us off so I pretend to cry.

"I can't believe you would flip me off knowing what that means." I fake cry and not to brag but I'm pretty good at it so Chris thinks I'm being fr but Matt and Nic know that I'm faking. "Y.n im so sorry I'm just upset." I start to laugh and I say "We can tell you're upset." We all laugh again and the waiter comes over asking what we want to drink. I get a Dr.Pepper so does Nic and Matt gets root beer and Chris gets Sweet Tea. "What would you like to eat?" She looks at me and I say "Can I get boneless wings with honey barbecue sauce?" "Yes, blue cheese or ranch?" "Ranch please. Also I'll be on my own for the check." Chris tries to protest but I kick him under the table.

The rest of them order and then the girl walks away and Chris is pouting again. "What is wrong now." Nic says more of a statement than a question. "Because Y/n never lets me pay for her." "Chris you literally payed for her at Starbucks this morning." Nic says in a duh tone. I laugh and I say "I told u I have money too. It's not that big of a deal." "Whatever."

We get our food and I start eating and once I'm done the only one still eating is Chris but he's kinda just playing with his food. "Chris what's wrong?" I ask him and he says "You guys are all on Y/n's side about me paying for her." "Y.n just let him oy for you or else he's gonna have a bad day." Matt looks at me and I say "Ok u can pay for me but not ever again in L.A." "Ok deal."

The waiter comes back and Chris says"Can me and her be on a check together?" She nods and goes to get to-go cups and checks. She brings the check back and for me and Chris it's $34 dollars with a $5 tip. When we leave they text Laura theirs manager to come get us.

Once they get here I hug Laura and then I see Madi I've only met her once but she's really sweet and we FaceTime and go live on Instagram together sometimes. "Hey Madi!" I huh her and she says hi back and we all get in the car. On the ride home me and Maxi sit together and Chris throws another fit that he can't sit next to me and he sits next to Matt again while Nic sits with Laura. "Chris it's fine we're sharing a room." He says "Yeah sure whatever." Me and Maxi laugh and start conversing.

We get to the house and I bring my things to a guest room and Chris does the same. When we get in there and get our things situated and it's 11:54 so we decide to take a nap. After I'm done using the bathroom Chris comes over and hugs me kissing me. I put my arms around his neck and we separate when we hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say and Nic walks in. "Hey guys wanna watch a movie with us?" "Umm we're gonna take a nap." Chris says scratching his neck. "Ok have fun with that." Nic leave and I take my socks off and lay down.

I cuddle up to Chris and we put The Floor Is Lava on TV and we fall asleep.


I wake up and Chris is still asleep so I look at him and I kiss him. He wakes up and kisses me back pulling me in by the neck and I start to go down to his neck and I give him a hickey and he gives me 2 on the left side of my neck. After that ends we decide to go see what everyone is doing and everyone is in the kitchen eating and Madi hands me 10 pc McNugget and a McFlurry and Matt hands Chris his food. "Thank you how much do I owe you?" I ask "Oh don't worry about it sweetheart." Laura says "Ok thank you!" "Why can't you just do that with me." Chris says "Because with you it's constant and I don't want to waste you're money."

He drops it and we finish eating and Matt says "Do you guys wanna go to the beach?" "Yeah sure!" Madi says and everyone says yeah so I go to get changed. This is what I wear:

And Chris wears this;

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And Chris wears this;

I walk out and Chris looks at me and then kisses me

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I walk out and Chris looks at me and then kisses me. "I like your swimsuit pretty girl" I smile and say "You too pretty boy." "I love you." He says "I love you  Chris" I kiss him and grab my cover up and we walk out to go to the beach.

A/N: Idk how I feel about this chapter tell me what you think. PLEASE GOVE ME IDEAS I NEEDD TO ADD ON.

Word Count: 914

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