Chapter 8 - Feelings?

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I grab my top out of Chris' room and run to the bathroom to get changed. Once I'm changed this is what my bikini is like:

I walk into Chris' room to put my stuff away and then I go out to the pool where the boys are

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I walk into Chris' room to put my stuff away and then I go out to the pool where the boys are. Chris see's me and his jaw drop but he immediately closes it and I dive in.

While I'm swimming I decide to grab Chris' ankle. I grab it and he shreeks and we all laugh except for him. "I'm so gonna throw you in!" He starts chasing me so I get out and start running around but he catches me and throws me in.

"Guys can someone help me get snacks and drinks." Matt says "I will!" Nick shouts. I furrow my eyebrows at his behavior but then focus back on Chris.

Once they're inside Chris says "Y/n I have to talk to you..." "Me too Chris." "Ok me first please. And please don't interrupt me..." Chris says rubbing his neck. "I won't I swear" "Ok, y/n I like you a lot I think you're so sweet, pretty, funny and just overall great and I have the fattest crush on you." "I... I don't know what to say..." "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry you don't feel that way I'm so stupid oh my-" "Chris. You're not stupid, I like you too I think you're literally perfect." "Really?!" He says in complete shock. "Yes I do.." he then pulls me in by my waist so I wrap my arms around his neck and we start to kiss.

This kiss is filled with passion and joy and... love
We hear clapping and look over to see Matt and Nic clapping and smiling walking over to us. "You guys are so annoying." I say starting to swim again.

~12 AM~

We got out of the pool at 10 and now me and Chris are hanging out in his room I'm laying on his chest while we watch Total Drama Island. "Y/n... I have a question." "Yeah whats up?" I sit up and look at him. "I- I uh... do you wanna date? I mean- will you be my girlfriend?" "Ummmm no..." "Wait what?" He looks like he's so broken. "I'm just kidding Chris of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

I kiss him and he kisses me, this kiss even more passionate than the last one. It kinda went from a little kiss to making out on Chris' bed... and eventually to Chris giving me 4 hickeys and me giving him 2... "Oh my god Chris what if Matt and Nic see? WHAT IF OUR PARENTS SEE?! WAIT! I BROUGHT MAKEUP!" "Y/n calm down let's just go to bed for now and we'll cover them tomorrow."

"Ok." you crawl into bed with Chris and lay your head on him and start to feel yourself doze off.

~The next Morning~

"Good morning sweetheart." Chris plants a kiss on my head and I groan "Good morning Chris. What time is it?" "11:31" "Ok." I get up and walk into the kitchen to get some waffles. "Good morning y/n how are- OH MY GOD!" Nic goes from comfort to panic. "WHAT?!" I look around and he's looking at me.

Oh shit. "Y/n are those hickeys? You guys aren't even official yet!" "Umm yes and we are official actually.. he asked me last night." "OH MY GOD! MATT IS GONNA FREAK OUT IF HE SEES YOU!" Nic almost screams "It's not just me..." "What's Not Just you?" Matt says. For some stupid reason I turn around and he gasps. "HICKEYS? YIU ARENT EVEN DATING YET!" "Yeah... we got together last night at midnight..." "Wait wait wait. Chris has them too?!" Nic asks.

" I have what?" Chris walks in with 2 VERY visible hickeys on his neck. "OH MY GOSH!" Nic screams. Chris looks at me confused and I touch my neck and his eyes go wide. "Tisk, tisk, tisk." Matt says tapping his foot. I giggle and look at Chris who is very red and speechless.


Word count- 684

Love Story - Chris Sturniolo x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now