Chapter 16- The Accident

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I get in the car and start to follow the triplets. We get to an inner section and we start going and all of a sudden I feel a car slam into the side of me and I feel my car move to the side a lot but it doesn't flip. I hear Chris' voice and I can't hear what he says and all of a sudden I black out.


The next thing I know I wake up and I'm surrounded by the cops and the EMS and I see Matt, Chris, Nic, My parents, and my brother. "What happened?" I ask a cop and he says "She's awake! You got in a car accident you didn't get to hurt except you hit your head on the wheel. We'll take you to the Emergency Room but someone named Chris is talking to the pedestrian that hit you." "Chris is here?!" I sit up and the cop tells me to sit down. "I wanna see Chris." I demand and the cop walks somewhere and then Chris comes running over. "Omg y/n are you ok? Do you feel hurt.?" "I'm fine my head doesn't hurt or anything but I probably need a scan though." I laugh and Chris smiles at me "I'm glad you're ok Y/n." He kisses my forehead and I say "Chris, can you come in the EMS with me?" He says "One second sweetheart." He walks away and a police officer and Chris comes over.

"Do you want Chris or your mom or maybe dad to come in the EMS with you?" The police asks"Chris please." "Ok Chris you can go with her we're getting her in there now." They load me into the EMS on a stretcher and Chris follows them in and holds my hand a paramedic asks "Do you think you need a breathing tube ma'am?" "I don't think so..." I look at Chris and he says "No she said she feels fine." He says "Okay if you need anything tell me right away." He smiles and I say "Okay!"

We're at the hospital and they do brain scans and see that nothing is wrong with me but they want to keep me for the next night and then I can go. I ask Chris "Is my car totaled?" I'm scared for the answer and he says "No just some scratches but your insurance covers it." I look at him and say "You're so cute bro." I put my face in my hands and smile to myself thinking how did I get so lucky?

He looks at me and says "You're literally gorgeous y/n" I smile and kiss him and before I know it it's 11:24 PM and I'm going to bed with Chris sleeping in the guest chair. "Goodnight Chris I love you." I smile at him and he says "Goodnight y/n I love you."

~The Next Morning~

I wake up and Chris is awake on his phone and I say "Hey pretty boy." He looks at me and comes over to me and says "Good morning sweetheart." He kisses me and then we start conversing when a doctor comes in "Miss y/n y/l/n you're free to go! Just let me take the IV out and then give you your clothes and do you have someone that can drive you home? I look at Chris and he says "I'll call my brother Matt he has a drivers license." She says ok and Chris calls Matt while I change.

Once I'm done changing Matt is here and me and Chris start walking out and I get in the middle row and I'm nervous to be on the rod but I do it anyways but after 5 minutes I start panicking and Chris realizes telling Matt to pull over. He gets out of the passengers seat and comes over to me and looks at me and says "What's wrong?" And Matt asks me the same thing and I say "I- I'm just nervous- I don't know it's stupid..." "It's not stupid y/n you experienced some trauma it's ok." Matt ensures me and I say "Ok, Chris can you come back here with me?" "Of course." He goes around and gets in the back.

Once we're at the triplets house we go inside and my bag is in there and I see Nic "Hey Nic!" I start to run but I stop when I get a little dizzy and then I remember "Right, just got out of the hospital." I laugh and walk over to Nic and hug him. "Come here." Chris takes me to his room and I see all of my stuff in a stack of 3 drawers and my make up and skin care is on top. "Ta-da!" He does jazz hands and I laugh and kiss him "Thank you Chris and I'm so sorry you had to sleep in they uncomfortable ass hospital chair that barely reclines." He laughs and said "I would sleep on the ground for you." He kisses me and I pull away and say "I love you so much." He smiles and says "I love you too y/n. You're so amazing" he stares at me and we decide to film a baking video where me and Matt are blinfolded and Chris helps me whole Nic helps Matt and we see who makes the better cake.

We go downstairs and propose our idea and they agree so Nic grabs everything everyone will need and we get set up. Once I'm blindfolded after I've made the mix now I'm putting the cookie dough on a sheet and it's all over my hands once I'm don't and Chris grabs my waist and guides me to the sink and helps me wash my hands. We come back into frame and I wait for Matt to finish and once he does we can take the blindfolds off while the cookies are baking.

I'm talking to the camera saying "I think me and Chris' cookies are gonna be the best because-" he puts his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder and he says "Because we're an awesome couple." He smiles and then it's Matt's turn to say why him and Nic are gonna win and before he says why he says "I'm sorry that you had to see that, I think I threw up in my mouth butttt" I laugh and Chris starts to talk to me.

Once the cookies are done we get them out and Me and Chris 10000% won so we do a dance and he kisses me. It caught me off gaurd but it was just a peck so the fans won't go wild, right?

A/N: Idk how the hospital works please don't bully me I've been there twice once I was 3 and once I was 5 so. Please feel free to comment ideas for upcoming chapters. There probably won't be many more but I have 2 other story ideas in my drafts.

Word count: 1129

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