Part 20- The Beach

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We get to the beach and it's pretty empty except for us, a couple family's and some random Girl.
We walk over to a spot by the beach and sit downs on towels. When we all decide to get in the ocean I put my hair in a bun, take off my cover up and Chris walks up to me and says "You look good." He kisses me and he wraps his hands around my waist.

He lets go and he starts to walk to the ocean while I decide to go post on snap. When I'm done a girl comes up to me and says "Hey.. so I was wondering... um... how old is that guy over there?" She points at Matt and I say "He's 19 can I ask why?" "Oh... I just thought he was... you know.. cute." "Ohhhh im sure he wouldn't mind me giving you his snap, let me go ask."

I walk over to Matt and ask him if he would mind and he says he doesn't care. I go over to the girl and give her his snap and I ask what her name is. "My name is Rose." "My Name is y/n do you want to hangout with us Rose?" "Uh sure!" "Great come on!" I start to walk and she walks with me and we get in the ocean. "Guys this is Rose, Rose this is Chris, Nick, and Matthew." "I go by Matt." I laugh and she shakes their hands.

We all hangout and eventually Chris pulls me aside and says "Hey sweetheart" while wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. He kisses me and I say "Did you need something Chris?" "No I just wanted to kiss you." I smile and kiss him and then I pay him on the neck and walk back to the group.

We all hangout for 2 hours and I get Rose's number and we go back to the house and I called the shower in me and Chris' room first so he has to wait for me so I'm trying to be quick. After I finish showering I put on a baby blue croptop and black Nike Pros. I get out of the bathroom and Chris is sitting on the floor and he looks at me, and he grabs his clothes walking over to me kissing my forehead "I'll be quick and then us 4 and Rose are going to get lunch." "Ok!" I go get ready and by the time I'm done Chris is out of the shower.

Once everyone is ready I text Rose and tell her we're leaving and I find out that we're meeting at a sushi place. I love sushi sm I can't wait. While we're in the car Chris wants to sit with me so Nic sits in the front and while me and him are in the back I lay my head on his shoulder and he whispers "You look good sweetheart." I blush slightly and say "Thanks Chris your look great too." I grab his chin and kiss him and he doesn't hesitate to kiss back and we're kissing for at least a minute when I remember we're in the car with his brothers so I pull away quickly and he seems confused.

"We're in the same car as your brothers." I whisper and he laughs. I rest my head back on his shoulder.

Once we get to the restaurant we see rose and she waves us over. "Hey!" I sit next to Chris and this is the seating arrangement:

                    Matt.        Rose      Madi

             Nick.            Y/n.   Chris

As I look over the menu Chris randomly puts his hand on my leg and kisses my temple saying "I love you." "I love you" I smile and kiss him and Nic gags "Can I move over there with you and Rose these 2 are disgusting." We laugh and Matt says "Do your thing kid." Nick moves to the other side and after a while the waiter comes over and while he's taking our order he starts making rose visibly uncomfortable so Matt says "She's taken." And grabs her hand. The waiter frantically apologized and gets the rest of our orders and when the food comes out it's a new waiter. We all start eating and eventually the waiter comes over and says "Sorry to interrupt but who's paying for who?" Matt says he'll pay for him, Madi and Rose and she protests but eventually she lets it go. "Me, him and her." Chris says pointing at me and Nic. At this point I've given up on trying to get Chris to not pay for me.

We finish eating and I see Chris' check $127.48 I pull out my phone and calculate how much of that was mine and it ends up being $47.65 so that's how much I cashapp him and when he gets the notification he's expecting it to be Nic but when he see's it me he says "Y/n I can't let you pay for this." "Chris no. Don't even think about sending the money back." He starts to do that exactly so I block him before he gets the chance.

He gets upset but eventually let's it go. Once we start to leave I notice Matt and Rose kind of flirting and I smile to myself.

Back at the house we're all hanging out when I decide to go change. I go into my bathroom and change into Flare leggings and a pink v-neck. When I come out Chris is on the bed and I go sit next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder again. "I love you." I say "I love you y/n" he kisses me but this time I don't mind to let it continue for a while. After 3 minutes we pull away and decide to go back to the group.

Once we get back Matt says "Ok guys I have a secret." We all get invested and he says "Me and Rose are talking. Nothing official but you know."

A/N: I've been so inactive I apologize school is to stressful ESPECIALLY WHEN MY HISTORY TEACHER WONT GRADE MY ASSIGNMENTS! Anyways love y'all I'm sorry again. Is anyone else completely in love with Peeta Mellark???

Word Count: 1022

Love Story - Chris Sturniolo x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now