hi mom, I've got a friend

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teehee i was gonna write smut cause im bored and i have mental issues but it feels weird letting them just fuck randomly so imma do a buildup chapter or some shit. also they might be a bit ooc but i'll try to keep their personalities intact

venti pay your goddamn tab, xiao has a crush on wanderer, wanderer is known as scara in this cause thats what i named my kunikuzushi, raiden shogun/ei and yae miko remember who scara is cause nahida ily so, scara will be called by different existing names throughout the story (kunikuzushi, wanderer, scaramouche, scara, bowl cut boy, theres more but good enough), scaraboobs will come home to be another teapot decoration this is threat/srs

theres gonna be multiple parts and this is part uno cause I'm an awkward lil fuck and writing smut feels illegal so yeah
Xiao POV

I stood at the balcony of wangshu inn as I normally would, looking down at morax and the other gods that joined him around the table. Barbatos is the ameno archon, Morax is the geo archon, Beelzebub is the electro archon, and Buer is the dendro archon.

Speaking about the dendro archon I was also expecting someone else to be here but I suppose he didn't feel like joining them. I honestly couldn't blame him. It is quite boring. I was about to leave until...

"Boo bitch."

I heard a voice from behind me.

"Well hello to you too."

I replied, looks like he did come after all.

"How lovely of you to join me."

"What? Did you really expect me to sit down and listen to them talk nonstop? No offense, but like, I think I'd die if I had to finish listening to one of morax's stories."

I scoffed slightly by the comment but I knew he was telling the truth. Although interesting, morax's stories are far too lengthy to listen to in one sitting. I've made a similar mistake in the past and the outcome was not good. I let out a sigh I was holding in.

"So why did you come find me? How exactly do you plan on making me amuse you?"

The man with a hat bigger than my will to live has the audacity to give me a smirk and laugh off my question as if I knew what he was thinking. Ok, maybe I do but thats not the point. The point is that he's annoying, I'll admit cute when he's not busy being a violent little shit, but still annoying.

Wait, cute? no. no no nope. he is not cute at all. Stop thinking those thoughts. He is not cute, he is an annoying little brat who likes to mess with me. I do not like him, he does not like me.

"where to this time?"

"hm? how about mount hulao?"

I scoff. of course, he had to pick there out of all places. My cheeks heat up slightly when I hear his stupid giggle right next to me. I quickly hardened up my face after realizing this bitch made me blush, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"wow you really couldn't pick a better place you wanted to go."

I grumbled.

"Fine we won't go then. At least join me on the roof, buzzkill."

This little- wait roof? I look up to see a pair of eyes staring down at me from the roof so I quickly teleport up there.

"hmph. took you long enough"

"oh shut up how was I even supposed to know you were up here dumbass"

I sat down next to him and this bitch has the audacity to sit so close to me I swear he's doing this on purpose. get away from me idiot your literally so close to me, I internally scream as I feel my face heating up yet again
and a hand pinching my cheek. EXCUSE ME. I quickly slap his hand away, shooting him a cold glare.

"what was that for."

"you know your kinda cute xiao."

"Don't dodge the question sc-."

Did he just call me cute.

"whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

He just called me fucking cute. I'm about to launch this man off a mountain. I feel my face heating up for the third time today. I hate him so much. But almost as if it was out of habit, I put my finger in his face and bopped his nose.

"eh? what was that for idiot??"

It was now his turn to be red. shit. I don't know how to reply to that though.

"well, you pinched my cheek, so its only fair if I get to mess with you a bit too, isn't it?"

He scoffs and mutters an almost forced yes. We spent the rest of the night looking at stars (although we had quite the interesting conversation over them...)



...anyways, the archons are finally done talking, just took them 4 hours. I waved goodbye to scara and I decided to go back to my room tonight, I have some thoughts that I need to think through...

Ok this was a short and kinda bad chapter but think of it as a prologue or something :) I'll try to go more into detail about how xiao and scara feel about eachother and do their different POVs :)
If you have any tips feel free to share them
I hope you enjoyed this short ass chapter ily all bye <3

Kalatus - xiaoscara/scaraxiaoWhere stories live. Discover now