lick my loins and call me a lolipop -ouma the explorer 2018

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I have no idea why I thought this would be a good idea.

anyways since I'm here to tickle your balding scalps I present to you a n g s t

ball sucking/j, adeptass shiaow, mental issues, gerardway, i have no fucking idea what i just typed, boobs, i don't wanna genshin rn but imma do it so whatever, fuck proper punctuation we die like me throwing myself into oncoming traffic that hit a green light on the freeway, angsty vibes, people not knowing how to communicate, the big sads, no interaction today cause i said so angst and regret is the way to go yeehee, venti is after your kneecaps, xiao's pov for clear skin, also cause its easier to write cause scara's brain is more shaken than one of those damned kardashian's free range organic grass fed non gmo gluten free dairy free low calorie no carb keto salad, teeheeheepot, albedo you fucking homewrecker/j, scqrabedo?
Xiao's POV

Kumi: so will you let me in? I'm on your balcony.

Kalatus: fine.
[read one week ago]

Its been a week since the...incident...that happened last time. He left really suddenly and I haven't seen or heard of him since. I know its stupid of me to worry about these things but I guess I can't stop myself from caring, can I? How annoying. Worse part about it? He pops up in my head randomly, doesn't matter if its 4am and I'm just trying to meditate or when I'm out fighting monsters.

It's really becoming an inconvenience. And It may or may not have gotten me almost killed a few times. Ok, I know, that's a bit dumb. But sudden thoughts about a guy who I have negative- feelings random...ok, fine. The stupid intrusive thoughts make me flustered sometimes and then I can't think straight (bc you aren't you emo bisexual trainwreak). ugh...

Well, the traveler invited me into his teapot abode he got from streetward rambler so I guess I could visit to try and calm my mind from everything. For a bit at least.

I have no idea what to write here so just pretend xiao is now magically in the teapot

As I arrive in the teapot, I'm greeted with the artificial sun and the calamity of the floating island. As I look around the decorated space, I can't help but wonder, am I the only one here, or is there someone else?

I walk into the house on the island and is greeted by tubby, the guardian of the abode. As I got to my room, I could hear talking coming from the kitchen. I could care less, I walk into my room and lay down on the bed to attempt to get some rest.

After failing at that, I decide to raid the kitchen for almond tofu. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen and make some. After walking back to my room to eat in peace, I hear voices from the other room. So I wasn't the only person here. But I'm going to avoid human interaction as much as I can because I'm not in the mood to talk to people.

socksinshortscausenocock: xhiaoooo

...I hate my life right now.

suckmyballieeszaddy: what do you want.

suckmyballieeszaddy: and wtf is my name.

socksinshortscausenocock: ngh uwu

suckmyballieeszaddy: I'm choosing to ignore that. why are you bothering me venti.

socksinshortscausenocock: causssseeeee uwuwuwuwuwu im hosting a howouse party

socksinshortscausenocock: andd u shuld cum ehejehehehehehehehe

suckmyballieeszaddy: no.


suckmyballieeszaddy: god I almost had a stroke trying to comprehend whatever the fuck you just typed. but whatever I'll be there cause I know your ass will annoy me to death if I don't.

socksinshortscausenocock: ONG YAYA SE U THER

socksinshortscausenocock changed suckmyballeeszaddy's name to scarasimpindenial


scarasimpindenial: this isn't any better if your wondering.

socksinshortscausenocock: you're**

socksinshortscausenocock: but its tru tho

scarasimpindenial: no??

socksinshortscausenocock: nvm i 4gor ur stil in denial

scarasimpindenial changed socksinshortscausenocock's name to barbatos

barbatos: sobs xiao stop being boring

barbatos changed barbatos's name to barbatoesaurass

barbatoesaurass: thats better.

barbatoesaurass: see ur ass tomorrow :D

scarasimpindenial: bye.

barbatoesaurass: bro wtf ur texting is dryer than ur crusty ass lips 😭

barbatoesaurass: tf ur gonna dry up sxaraz pussy if u keep texting like dat

barbatoesaurass: no wonder u can't pull any bitches L + ratio + dropped on ur head as a kid

scarasimpindenial: I don't even want to begin to know what the hell you're on currently.

scarasimpindenial has gone offline.

barbatoesaurass: I think yiu know exactly what I am (talking abt, on, and the who)

barbatoesaurass has gone offline

...Well that was something. And that just eradicated any chance of me having a calm and peaceful day. But oh well I guess I have something on my to do list now. Wait venti said that its 6reeze...and fuck. Well, there's other people there so I think I'll just, avoid him. Politely of course. Why does that even matter. I don't know anymore.

Timeskip to partee day cause I'm gonna finish this cause i wanna get back into the fluff next chapter and i have motivation now so yuh lets get it.

Dawn winery, Mondstadt. Why did I even agree to come...whatever. let's get this over with.

I walk into the...wait, what even is this place? a brewery? a mansion? anyways, I see a few people here but then again I'm kind of just sitting in a corner staring at everyone and everything.

Hu tao, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xiangling, and Yanfei are all talking and having fun in some sort of circle. Shenhe, Yelan, Yunjin, and Xinyan are also discussing something in a corner. Heizou, Kazuha, and Aether are chasing Venti for some reasons I can probably assume.

And scara...wanderer, is at the bar talking to...albedo...?

To Be Continued (I lost motivation and I need to get a chapter out it's been too long)

ehe oh look conflict has arisen. who will win? (ofc shiaow cause this is xiaoscara not albescara but who knows maybe I'll mess with the plot a bit and give a scarabedo arc cause yk xiao and scara aren't dating yet) anygays see you people next chapter whenever that is

Kalatus - xiaoscara/scaraxiaoWhere stories live. Discover now