Blue Sky

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Midnight Run

After calming down. Callie helped me sit up in my bed. I looked at each one of them waiting for someone to say something. It was Hyunjin that broke the silence
*We’re going to speak with the nurses about getting you released from the hospital. We have a full medical staff that can take care of you when we get back to our house. If you’re okay with it* - Hyunjin
*Of course. Thank you so much* the members of Stray Kids gave me warm smiles as they quietly exited the room. Probably going to make the arrangements and speak to the nurse
The rest of them slowly moved closer surrounding me and Callie on my bed. Sadness and regret in their eyes, their lips pouting. I did my best to keep my poker face on with them here. I have nothing to say to them. I glanced over at Callie giving her a small nod, she knew exactly what I meant and she got up and stepped into the hallway.
As soon as the door closed they all started speaking at the same time but I couldn’t understand what any of them were saying. I held up my hand gesturing for them to be quiet
*I’m not sure why you came here in the first place. You’ve all made it perfectly clear how you feel about me. I have nothing more to say to you. So if you could please be so kind and leave now. Thank you* keeping my voice emotionless
I sat there waiting for them to leave. Not a single one of them moved, I slowly looked at each of their faces. And I hate myself because my heart began to beat fast and butterflies forming in my stomach.
Regret. Guilt. Sadness.
Some of them had tears pouring out. They all fell to their knees around my bed, looking at me and I can see the heartbreak in their eyes. And I was trying to not let it bother me. They hurt me. And they haven’t even told me why. Broke my heart. I trusted them… I wanted to be their everything. And then they treated me like I was nothing.
*Baby please forgive us. We were jackasses. And we thought it would’ve been better for you to go with Stray Kids instead because all that’s happened to you in the time you’ve been with us is ending up in the hospital. We’ve already failed you in so many ways* - Hongjoong
It looked like he was going to start sobbing. His voice shook the entire time he spoke
*No. You don’t get to call me that anymore. Instead of coming and talking to me you decide amongst yourselves what you think is best for me without even asking me what I wanted*
*We’ll do anything and everything for you. And never put you through this again we swear. Please give us another chance. Please I’m begging you* - Jongho
*I can’t lose you Rhea* - Yeosang
*You mean everything to us Rhea, you’re our whole world* - San
*I know it hasn’t been that long but oh my god, you bring the light into our dark lives. Please tell us what we can do to make it up to you* - Wooyoung
*You have no idea just how important you are to us. We’re all so completely whipped for you* - Yunho
*Literally whatever it takes. That’s what we’re going to do. Even if you decide to push us away were still going to be here trying to earn your forgiveness* - Seonghwa
*I don’t want to imagine my life without you. I know it hasn’t even been a week yet. But you’ve made such an impact on all of us. Please Rhea* - Mingi
Truly breaking my heart all over again. They stayed kneeling beside my bed. Looking at me, some with tears falling down their cheeks, others with complete devastation in their expressions. Waiting for me to speak. And normally I would forgive without a second thought. I wouldn’t have been upset with them for treating me the way they did. I would have just taken it and accepted it without hesitation. But it feels like there’s a fire in me now. A switch turning on. I’m tired of seeing the good in people and end up being the one that gets hurt. I’m tired of being treated like shit. I’ve been abused my whole life and Callie is the only one I can really count on. No more. Enough is enough. The old me gone, it feels like I’m being reborn. A new woman.
*All I wanted was to be your everything. And you turned around and treated me like I’m nothing* still expressionless, putting an edge in my voice as I spoke. Their heads went down in defeat. And slowly they stood up, choking out sobs and left my room.
Callie coming back seconds later
*Who is this girl I’m looking at right now. Those guys look fucking devastated. What happened. I can already see that you’re so much different then before, stronger. Like you’re not going to take anyone’s shit anymore* - Callie
And I told her. What they said to me and the last thing I said to them. Her hand going over her mouth as she pulled me into a hug and whispering how proud she is of me
*I’ve always got your back Rhea. Don’t ever forget that. I can see the transformation in you, and im loving it. Just please don’t push me away and leave me behind* - Callie
The last sentence came out in a whisper and I reassured her. She has nothing to worry about
*I’ll never leave you behind. You’re my sister Callie. And I’m always going to need you*

1 hour later

Chan and Felix came walking in my room and saw Callie sleeping beside me on my bed and I was already gesturing for them to be quiet
*We got the doctor to agree to release you today, our staff is already getting your room set up and gathering the supplies they’ll need. I’ve already got Changbin grabbing your stuff from Ateez and he will have it waiting for you by the time we get there. I just have to go sign some papers and we’ll be moving out* - Chan whispered quietly
I looked over at Felix and saw that he was excited for me to come with them too. But his smile faded fast
*Rhea, just so you know, they haven’t left yet. They’re all still sitting in the lobby waiting for you. And unfortunately that’s the only way we can exit the building so youll have to briefly see them as we wheel you out to the car* - Felix
I let out a small sigh of defeat and gave him the okay sign. It’ll only be for a moment. How bad could it be?
Chan lifted a sleeping Callie in his arms and holding her tight against his body. I squinted my eyes at him, I can sense something going on between them, she’s kind of oblivious to stuff like that. She can never tell when someone has a crush on her until I have to flat out tell her. And I can see something going on between them. He gave me a wink before turning and leaving the room. Felix pushing me in a wheel chair towards the elevator
3rd floor. 2nd floor. Lobby.
Exiting the elevator I noticed them right away and vice versa. All of them stood up at once, their arms filled with bouquets of different flowers, teddy bears and boxes of chocolate. They came walking over to me and I just looked at them again with my poker face. Felix stopped and I looked at him and slightly shook my head hoping he would catch on that I just wanted to leave
*Rhea please, were going to do whatever it takes for you to forgive us* - Seonghwa
But I didn’t care. I just wanted to leave. Finally getting outside and breathing in the fresh air, I started to sob thinking about them. And just how deeply they hurt me. Felix put the brakes on the wheelchair and crouched in front of me opening up his arms wide offering me a hug, it felt nice, he had a nice scent, hes so warm and I feel so small in his embrace
Hearing the hospital doors open behind me, several pairs of footsteps before they were all standing around us, glaring at Felix, jealous and possessive
*You better watch yourself with the way you are towards our girl* - Mingi
Felix chuckled lightly. I know nothing will break up them being allies. And it’s really catching me by surprise seeing them this way. I stopped and looked at them
*I’m not your girl. You made me feel worthless, you made me feel like I’m nothing to you* sobs began coming from my throat and I started wiping at my eyes, my heart breaking all over again

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