Just End It All

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Beautiful Liar

Seonghwa carried me into the kitchen on his back, my legs still slightly trembling. And he stopped to a halt at the sight. It was Stray Kids and Callie. They were here too sitting at the table, the guys sitting in the remaining seats and some standing. But they all looked bad, cuts and scrapes on their faces and bodies, except for Callie
I got down from Seonghwas back and walked over to her and stood behind her and put my arms around her and just held her close to me and asked them what was going on and Chan had explained they got into an ugly battle, they managed to take down the other group but with the last kill they had gotten a warning “hes coming for her”
*Whos coming? For Callie?* My stomach turned into knots as he looked at me and shook his head
*No Nyx. He was referring to you* - Chan
*Who exactly would be coming for me though? I thought everything was okay now*
*I’m getting the feeling that it’s most likely your brother. He must be in pretty deep if he’s trying to find you now* - Chan
*So what does this mean. I’m being hunted again and as a result everyone around me gets hurt, again. I don’t understand. This makes no sense to me. What could he possibly need me for? All he did before was beat me and use me. He left me for dead* tears filling up my eyes and I tightened my arms around Callie and felt her hand come up and start rubbing my arm
*Were not going to let anything happen to you, we will take care of you and Callie* - Chan
*No I’m tired of this. I’m tired of you guys having to protect me. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of having to hide. If he needs me for something then just let me go. I’m not going to let anything happen to anyone else because of me. There’s been nothing but trouble since I first got here* I let go of Callie and went back upstairs, ignoring the hands that tried to stop me, ignoring their protests and trying to get me to sit back down.
Sitting down on my bed. Just how bad is it with Michael that he’s trying to find me again. Because it’s certainly not for a family reunion. He never cared about me, he traded me to repay his debts as often as he could, resulting in me having more trauma to deal with. And because I’ve always been so small I was never able to fight any of them off. I don’t want them to suffer because of me. I don’t want to keep going through this. I’m so exhausted from mafia groups and on the run. If they had given up and not bothered trying to find me. I could be in Japan right now, living a normal life until he took me again and that be the end of it. But what happened to me not taking any more shit. I’m just all over the place. I can’t think straight. My mind is running in circles as I tried to figure out what I was going to do.
I made sure I closed and locked the door. I didn’t want to talk or see anyone. Despite not eating, and ignoring their pleas at the door and the messages they sent to my phone. I ignored it all and curled up into a ball and went to sleep trying to think of what I was going to do next.
By the time I’d woken back up and checked my phone it was two in the morning. I slept the day away. I looked at their messages. My phone had completely blown up from all of them. My guys, Callie and stray kids. All worried about me and please talk to me, don’t push me away
I got up and got dressed. I don’t exactly know what’s come over me but I always just feel the need to run away whenever something happens. And that’s what I’m going to do. I packed a bag full of all of my shit I would need. Left my phone on the bed. Grabbed my purse and crept through the house trying to make sure I wouldn’t wake anyone up
Making it down and out the front door with success. And I walked down to the gate, going through and walking down the road Walking and walking forever until I reached a gas station, I bought myself an energy drink and slammed it within minutes. I needed all the energy I could get right now.
I walked out of the gas station and just started wandering the streets wondering what I should do and where I should go now. I heard a car slowly approaching behind me until it came to a full stop beside me. And just like that. Hands yanked me into the vehicle and I felt something sharp prick my neck causing me to instantly fall asleep. My last thought was of my guys, please just leave me be this time.

Callie POV
I jolted upright from Jeongins arms to Chan turning the light on with a frantic look in his eyes and he said to meet in the living room now. We both scrambled out of bed and went downstairs meeting the rest of the guys in there and he spoke
*Nyx is missing. She left her phone and packed some of things. We have no idea where she is or why she would just leave like that. Again* - Chan
*I know. I could tell from the look on her face yesterday. I could feel it in the way she was hugging me. She feels like a burden. She’s tired of seeing those she loves get hurt, tired of being hunted down. If there’s any way she thinks she could end this and save you all by turning herself in. That’s exactly what she’s going to do. And that’s what she just did*
Silence. Tension. Anger
*Shes hoping that we’ll just give up on her and forget her. So we can move on with our lives like she never existed. And now the chances of us seeing her again is very unlikely and if we do, she won’t be alive*
*Fuck no that’s not happening. Everyone get ready. Were going to meet with Hongjoong and the rest of them. Were going to get this sorted out*

Hongjoong POV
This meeting felt like a complete waste. Were all sitting here again trying to figure out how were going to get her back. Trying to figure out what it is her brother wants from her this time. It’s going to be hard trying to find her, in a matter of time we’ll both be on tour again. Making this process even harder. I’m pissed off, she really thinks we’d be better without her. But she doesn’t know she’s the one that’s keeping us here

1 month. 2 months. 3 months.

I was standing in this confined bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes have sunken in from losing more weight, my clothes and body are covered in blood, my hair is a tangled mess and there are cuts and scrapes everywhere on me. I can hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I tried to prepare myself for what was about to happen. But nothing can prepare you when you get hit repeatedly. He hasn’t broken or sprained any of my bones, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to. The door flew open and I jumped backwards looking at him. The anger present on his face.
*Let’s go. We have more trades to do*
In this whole time that’s passed I was hoping deep down that they had all forgotten me and moved on. That they went on with their tours and who used to be my guys would have met other girls by now. I’ve been passed around to so many different people, I’ve been beaten badly and I’m so starved and dehydrated, wearing the same ratty, ripped up and bloody clothes. Michael has a lot of enemies, he had a huge amount of debt. Money he’s borrowed, how many times he’s double crossed other groups and they’re now out seeking revenge against him. He doesn’t have the money to pay them back. And that’s why I’m here. Ive been sent to live with so many different groups, constantly being tortured because of him, I don’t even know where I am. Somewhere lost in Korea. But I don’t have the strength to even try and run away. I don’t have the strength to fight them off. And honestly. I hope that someone will just kill me and put an end to all of this.
My family never loved me, my family never cared. All my life I’ve just been a punching bag and here I am. In a worse situation, begging for death. And hoping my wish is granted

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