Chasing Sweet Lies

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This Wasn’t Supposed To Be This Way


*I know you Felix, and I know for a fact that you’re going to be angry with me after I tell you what I’m about to*
*I told you that I would do my best to not react badly, you’re my best friend Nyx, no matter what. So why don’t you tell me what’s going on, because it looks like you’re having a hard time keeping it together right now*
He’s right, I am having a hard time keeping it together, because I know that he’s going to lose it, the rest of them will lose it. I should be at home right now packing up my room to move to the new house. I should be at home packing my bags to for the long tour we’re about to go on. Maybe I should have told Callie that she should come too. I have so many mixed thoughts and emotions right now, but for sure I’m not doing the right thing.
Wind blowing through the trees, it’s so peaceful right now to just look out the window, I wonder when it’ll be like this again. When will I get over my insecurities about myself? When will I stop pushing away everyone in my life? How did I let things turn into such a mess? My only hope now is that Felix will help me with my insane plan, and hope like hell that it works…
*Hey Nyx are you good? Did you still want to talk about what’s on your mind or did you want to wait a little bit? There’s no rush, just let me know what you want to do okay?*
*Is it cool if we hit the mall first? I wanted to change my hair and get my nails done before the tour starts*
*Yeah for sure, we’ll get coffees after and I’ll let Chan know that we’re just taking a detour to the mall*

We arrived at the mall and it wasn’t busy as I thought it was going to be, first to the hair salon, I already know what I want this time, I’ve been thinking about it for awhile.
An hour later I was done in the hair salon and next to get my nails done which will be another forty five minutes. Felix stayed with me the whole time which was nice, my nerves have gone long into overdrive and I can’t calm myself down. Normally when my anxiety gets bad like this I would go grab one of the guys and go to their room to lay in bed, to lay in his arms until I felt better. But I need to be strong now, I need to stick to my plan, I refuse to be the damsel in distress this time. This time I’ll be the hero. No matter what it takes. I’ve already been  told that I’m a natural when it comes to my fighting and weapon abilities, whats the worst that could happen….boy was I about to find out

boy was I about to find out

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Felix took my hand after we left the nail salon and led us back to the car, I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m not okay right now because normally we would be joking around right now and he would’ve been playfully pushing me around 
Getting back into...

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Felix took my hand after we left the nail salon and led us back to the car, I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m not okay right now because normally we would be joking around right now and he would’ve been playfully pushing me around
Getting back into the car I was still lost in my thoughts, I vaguely heard him say that he was taking us to get everyone their coffees now and that we would head back to the house right after that. But I can’t bring myself to say what I need to. How can I do this to my best friend? How could I ask him to do this for me? Because he’s going to think the same thing the others would, that I’m being reckless and theres a better way to handle things. I should talk to the rest of the guys and tell them what I want to do instead of just going off on my own to do it. They can’t stop me once I’ve left, they have to do their shows for the tour, it’s the biggest one that they’ll be doing yet. If I die, I die.
We had just finished balancing the trays of drinks on my lap and the look on his face was a mix of anger and deep concern, he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to change my mind, he knew that there wasn’t going to be anything he could do to stop me.
I was just about to open my mouth to start apologizing to him about my plan for what I wanted to do when a black car drove right into my side of the car, the drinks dumping in my lap, a mixture of ice cold coffee and scolding hot coffee giving me bad burns on my legs. I screamed loud in pain and heard the sound of tires screeching against the pavement, I lifted my head and looked all around the car and saw that we were surrounded by four black cars, with guys dressed in all black, wearing tuques and sunglasses to avoid being recognized by anyone. Slowly walking towards the car for us, what the fuck is happening now. I saw in the corner of my eye that Felix had already called Chan and put the phone in his lap so that we could talk for a short period of time and hopefully he would be able to catch enough information about what is happening to us now
*I promise Nyx, I’ll do whatever I can to get us out of this, but by the looks of it theres more than a dozen of these guys here and only two of us. I don’t think we’re going to have any choice but to go with them now*
*I understand don’t worry. For sure they’re packing weapons on them, one step closer. I’m sorry I got you into this Felix. I’ll fix this I swear*
Before another word could be said, I dumped the rest of the drinks onto the floor by my feet, left my personal belongings I had on me in the car, took off my seatbelt and opened the car door and getting out swiftly so I wouldn’t hear Felix say another word. I know what I’m doing, this is going to work. And if it doesn’t then maybe they can get the peace they all deserve, one less thing for them all to worry about. If I die today, I hope they all at least know that I loved them so much, that I wanted to take away all of their stress so they would all be happy again, that I just wanted  to be with them desperately, but in the end, this was the best thing to do. Deep in my heart, this is what’s best
I took a step away from the car and felt multiple pairs of hands on me, one hand going over my mouth to keep me from screaming, another set of hands tying up my hands and legs. I went into full ragdoll mode to show that I wasn’t going to put up a fight. The rope tied around me so tight that it was already cutting off my blood circulation.
*You better be fucking grateful that we didn’t do anything to your guy that was with you in the car, it’s the only reward you’re going to get. That’s the last time you’ll ever see him bitch*

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