Catch My Breath

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Shattered Mind, Devastated Eyes

I stayed with her in the kitchen until Chan and Minho came walking into the kitchen. I looked at Chan and nodded my head to him as I walked out and went and sat in Yunhos lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I love how small they make me feel. I feel so protected when I’m with them, I want to just cuddle and snuggle with all of them all day. The guys were all sitting and joking around with each other but the volume slowly increased and so did my heart beat. It’s nice to see them all here and having a good time but I can’t stop myself from having ptsd flashbacks and it’s not something I want to happen in front of everyone else. But it was already too late. I turned myself around so I was sitting sideways in Yunhos lap and buried my face in his neck my body started violently shaking and I started sobbing into him, trying to quiet my crying. His arms going around me tighter and he whispered into my ear over and over that he loves me, that he’s here and won’t let anything bad happen to me
*Yunho I don’t want anyone to see me like this please, I can’t make it stop* I stuttered my words out as best as I could and I felt him nod in response and he picked me up in his arms and took me into his room, laying us down on the bed
Trying to get my breathing under control but this time it’s so much worse. I’m gasping for air and the tears won’t stop pouring from my eyes. It won’t stop. I’m so trapped right now. In times like these I wish I could die. My body is in déjà vu and it hurts, it’s like I’m being hit over and over again. All I can see is him standing over me with his fists flying at me.
Yunhos voice whispering in my ear over and over, his hands moving along my back
*Yunho I can’t get out, I’m scared* my voice trembling and my body is still violently shaking. He kissed my forehead over and over and kept telling me that he’s here, I’m with him, I’m safe now, that he loves me
But it won’t stop. I can’t make it stop. It won’t go away
*Yunho please, baby please*
*Baby I’m here, im right here*
Still shaking harshly and sobs coming from my throat
Black out

Callies POV

I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to him. Chan left the room shortly after Nyx did. And it’s like my hearing faded, I can see his mouth moving and his eyes getting misty but I cant actually hear what he’s saying. I thought for sure I would start crying when I saw him but right now I just feel pissed off.
*Sorry …. Love you …. Doesn’t mean …. Please princess …. Forgive me*
I stared at him and tried for the life of me to figure out the parts of his sentences that I was missing but I just can’t. Is this happening from me being so angry
*I can’t listen to anything you’re saying right now. I’m trying but I’m too angry to be able to hear you right now*
He looks so defeated, so devastated. 
*Baby please*
*Minho. I can’t do this*
*I’ll do anything*
*No. I can’t do this right now. You completely broke my fucking heart and I want to forgive you. I want to move forward. I don’t want to cry anymore but I can’t hear what you’re saying to me right now*
He stepped forward to me with his arms out and in an instant I was wrapped up in his embrace but I couldn’t make my body move. My brain won’t send the signals to my arms. What is happening to me right now
My legs gave out, and I fell on the floor and everything else that I’d been holding in came out. I cried so hard I couldn’t breathe. My throat hurts so bad and he has his arms around me still
But I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this
Foot steps getting closer and he came rushing in
*Baby what it is* and I could only cry harder my body shaking and I was trying to get his arms off of me. And he did let go. But I was still a mess on the floor
*Hyunjin please* he came over and picked me up in his arms and carried us into the dining room and sat down in one of the chairs and he cradled me in his arms. I had a death grip on his shirt to keep him close to me
*I’m right here sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere*
Sobs ripping through me, and I’m struggling to breathe.


I woke up and I was still in his arms. I feel better now. I wonder how long I was out for
*Baby how long was I out for?*
*About twenty minutes my love. It’s okay*
*Is Callie still here*
*Yeah I think they’re all still here. Did you want to go back downstairs babe?*
*Yeah I do. Please. But can I have one of your shirts. Sans shirt I’m wearing still has flour all over it*
He chuckled at me. Sat us both up and he set me down on the bed, turned the light on and went to his closet and pulled out a shirt and a sweater for me. I peeled off Sans shirt and got the satisfaction of seeing his face flush red and he became flustered. Moving closer to me and put the shirt and sweater down on the bed beside me and turned away from me so I could get dressed.
I stood up and went behind him and put my arms around his waist and hugged him, his hands resting on top of mine. I let go of him and walked in front of him
He’s such a gentleman. He’s looking away from me but his cheeks are still pink. I grabbed the back of his hand and put his hand on my body and slowly moved his hand up, his hand shaking against me. I kept moving his hand up the middle of my body until his hand was on my face and I was nuzzling into his hand. And he finally looked at me, his lips crashing on mine desperate and needy.
He lowered himself until his hands were on the back of my thighs lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist, moving forward until my back is pressed against the wall, his lips breaking apart from mine and he gently grazed his lips against my neck, it’s so light I can barely feel him, just his hot breath against my skin. He pulled back and looked into my eyes the lust so visible as I looked at him.
*Don’t tease me princess* his lips grazed against my neck again and he brought us over to the bed setting me down again and he grabbed his shirt and put it on me along with his sweater.
After he was done I stood up in front of him and hugged him tightly telling him I love you, but moving my hand high enough against him just barely touching his already hard member.
His hand going on my wrist with a firm grip moving my hand up to his face. His other hand smacking my ass hard and he lowered his mouth to my neck again and bit me hard
*Is this what you want princess*
I leaned my head back further to feel him more against my neck feeling him glide his tongue against my skin and then he stopped and cupped my face in his hands
*You’re going to get it later, dirty girl* one last long kiss and he grabbed my hand in his and we went back into the living room. The guys all in there still making conversation and joking around but I don’t see Callie or Hyunjin
I let go of Yunhos hand and started walking to the kitchen to see if that’s where they were and I was going into the dining room and saw him holding her and he gestured with his eyes for me to come over so I did. I sat down next to them and just rested my hand on the back of hers
*Nyx I’m not strong enough for this*
*Yes you are babe, it takes time. You don’t have to rush anything. This is all by your pace, don’t forget that. It’s not the right time right now. I know you wanted to resolve it but it’s too soon still. You’ll get the chance to, it’s all okay. Just breathe okay, were all here for you*
She let out a long sigh and looked at me
*Callie, you’re the strongest person I know. And you don’t take shit from absolutely anyone. You can do this and I’m here for you every step of the way. If you need me to kick some ass I’ll kick some ass*
She smiled and laughed a little which is what I was hoping for.
*You’re right Nyx. I don’t take shit from anyone. Fuck this, I’m going to talk to him* she kissed Hyunjin and he helped her up to her feet and grabbed my hand and we went into the living room to see if he was there, him and Chan are missing. We turned around and went into the kitchen and found the two of them talking quietly
*Alright look. I’m not going to fucking do this. You have one chance to make this up to me and to earn back my trust and forgiveness or I’m done, completely done. I don’t deserve this. This has done nothing but create a huge mess between all of us and it broke my heart. You broke my heart. I’m not playing around Minho. One chance. That’s it. If you fuck up again you don’t get another one. I’m too old to be putting up with this shit anymore*
*I promise you I will do everything in my power for you, I love you more then everything in this world Callie and ill spend my days proving it to you over and over. You’re all I want, you’re all I think about, you’re my everything. I promise you I won’t  fuck this up. You’re it for me Callie, there’s no one other then you, there is no one like you. You’re one of a kind, unique in every way, you’re the light in my life of darkness. You brought me back to life, you make my heart flutter just by looking at me and all I want is to just hold you in my arms. I love you Callie forever*
Me and Chan just kind of looked at each other not really sure what to do, Callie and Minho were just standing there looking at each other too, and he pulled her in for a hug and she returned it. I let out a sigh of relief, I’m glad they were able to work things out. I just want her to be happy. I can tell Chan is relieved too.
Me and Chan quietly just walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room to sit with the others. I went over and sat in Sans lap and felt him snuggle himself into me.
My big massive teddy bears.
We all ended up hanging out for the rest of the day, watching some scary movies, played some video games and of course karaoke. I don’t know what their obsession is with karaoke but I think it’s adorable. They got me and Callie up to sing a couple songs too and it was nice to see her smiling, the life coming back into her. Jeongin and Seonghwa even managed to convince us to do more dance challenges which we happily accepted and told them to bring it on, were ready for anything. They alternated between their songs and threw in a couple TXT songs to try and throw us off but the joke was on them because we knew it too.
Must’ve been around one in the morning before we decided to call it a night and said we would hang out again in a couple days. It was heartwarming seeing everyone hanging out together. Like we’re one big family. We said our farewells and Callie and I hugged before she walked out the door and she said she would message me.
And that was it. I kissed them all goodnight and hugged them tight except for Yunho. Because he was hanging on to my hand the whole time until they all went to their rooms.
Lifting me up by my thighs wrapping my legs around his waist and he had his lips against my neck and lightly biting me and I tightened my grip on him. And he started walking us into his room, looking forward I started kissing his neck and biting him hard enough to leave teeth marks and seeing the frustrated look on his face.
Getting into his room, he locked the door and laid me down on the bed, his hands running all over every part of my body, his lips kissed every part of my neck and he dragged his tongue down my chest
*I told you earlier you dirty girl, you’re going to get it now* he growled into my ear

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