Chapter 13

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I walked into the school hallways intending to find Kurt before second period.

I can't believe a week has almost passed since the party they threw at the house.

As I walked down the hallway I saw principal Kelly tape off the teacher's bathroom.

I peeked inside to see the mirror broken and a sink ripped off from it's place and thrown at the floor.

What the hell?
That wasn't there in the first period.
This must have happened now.

"Katzchen!" I heard Kurt call out to me and I forced my eyes away from the trashed room.

"Hey!" I greeted as he stood next to me.

"Are you looking at the mess?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah who did it?" I asked and he looked intensively inside the wide open door.

"The school doesn't know but I..." He said but caught himself off and looked at the floor.

"You what?" I asked suspecting that he already knows something.

"I think it was Mr.McCoy" he whispered into my ear and I looked at him both in surprise and confusion.

There is no way.

"McCoy? Are you crazy? He wouldn't do anything like that" I protested.

"I am serious Kathryn! You should have seen him in chemistry this morning! He was totally losing it!" He explained and even though I trusted him I just couldn't believe that Hank McCoy would do such a thing.

"Kurt you know I trust your gut but Mr.Hank is the best teacher we have around here and the nicest" I said and he sigh.

"I agree with you. I know he is the best teacher we ever had and if I hadn't seen him this morning I wouldn't have suspected him" he said and we both begun walking away from the room.

"Maybe it was Blob" he suggested and I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to explain his thoughts farther.

"I mean he did rip those lockers last year why not a sink?" He said and I nodded.

"You have a pretty good point. I will investigate about it tomorrow" I said  and he gave me disappointed look.

"At the brotherhood house? Again?!" He asked with that tone that just got on my nerves.

"Not you too!" I said frustrated and he was caught off guard.

"What!?" He asked loudly.

"You have that tone like eveyone else, Evan,the students,Logan even Ororo! I am hanging out with the brotherhood what's the big deal!?" I yelled and we stopped walking

"Look you may trust them and we have no right to tell you with who you can hang out with but..." He tried to form a sentence and I could tell he was struggling to find the right words.

"Just be careful okay!? I don't want them to hurt you" He finally said and I smiled at him.

"Nothing is gonna happen to me they are actually pretty nice with me" I said and he laughed.

"The brotherhood? Nice? Your kidding" he laughed in disbelief and we had now started walking again.

"They are! They just have their own way of showing it" I said and he rolled his eyes still doubtful.

"Which is?" He asked as we reached his locker and he opened it.

"They are nice to each other, like they won't let anyone else harm their own but they beat each other everyday" I said and he leaned into the locker next to his.

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