Chapter 15

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We gathered at Professor Xavier's office.
All of us were here except from the new recruits.

Jean,Scott and Rogue sat at the couch at the side,Evan at the armchair across them, Kurt at the chair next to the couch and Ororo, me and Logan were standing.

"Children there is something that I need to talk to you about" Professor begun and we all shared a look.

"Of course Professor" Scott said with interest.

"You can be honest with us" Jean encouraged and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah we have been over this. Honesty is a very important thing but we don't have to worry about that since you haven't lied to us since the Mystique being our principal incident"

I said before I could control myself.

Why the hell did I just say that?
It's like I subconsciously don't trust him.
Professor Charles Xavier has been so kind to me why am I acting like that?

"Yes and I am so glad to have you children and friends by my side but what I wanted to talk to you about doesn't have to do with me" Professor said and we all kept quiet.

Anticipation grew among us as Professor kept his mouth shut.

"Then about who?" Ororo broke the silence and asked what we all wanted to hear.

"Your chemistry teacher Mr.McCoy" Professor answered with caution as everyone's eyes went wide.

Well except from Kurt's.

"I knew it!" He yelled at me while I raised my hands in surrender.

"Okay okay I am not doubting you again!" I said in defeat and he smiled victoriously.

"Mr.McCoy used to be a student here before you Ororo or Logan joined the X-Men" He explained and I was stand.

"There were X-Men before us?" I asked in shock since he never mentioned that before.

"Yes we used to be a large group" He said as he stared at the ground avoiding all of our eyes.

More secrets.

"Where are they now?" Rogue asked and the Professor opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it again obviously looking for the right words.

He struggled for a while until I blurred out what have been in my head.

"They are dead aren't they?" I asked sending a chill to everyone's spines.

Jean and Scott looked at me in disbelief as the words left my mouth.

"Some of them moved on from the X-Men and have their own lives now" The Professor spoke trying to calm everyone down.

"And the others?" Scott asked quietly afraid of the answer.

"Some of them have sadly lost their lives" We all heard the his answer and I bet we all wondered the same thing.

Are we gonna make it out together?

"Was Mr.McCoy one of the first X-Men?" Evan asked trying to light up the mood which at this point wasn't an easy task.

"Yes, yes he was"The Professor said causing more questions to form in our heads.

"Why did he leave?" Ororo asked interest in our conversation.

"Because he had dreams that he wanted to follow but the constant lessons at the institute kept him from them. He wanted to keep teaching children. Teaching is his favourite thing in life and he would sacrifice everything for it even his health"

He started and none of us dared to interrupt caught up in to Hank McCoy's Story.

"He created a position to keep his Mutant abilities under control but he can't control it anymore" Professor explained and i felt bad for the man.

Why should his mutation be an obstacle to what he wanted to do in life?

Is it gonna be an obstacle for us in the future?

"What is his power?" Logan asked surprising everyone since his voice hasn't been heard from the moment we entered the room.

"He turns into a Beast" The professor answered and I froze any movement of my body.

"What do you mean by that?" Jean asked as I saw fear into her green gem like eyes as she curled into the coach trying to hide.

"He has something inside him an animal that is tearing it's way out breaking Hank apart" He said as sadness and worry overwhelmed him.

They must have been close.

How can someone be breaking apart right in front of your eyes and not being able to see it?

"So why don't you help him?" Kurt asked wanting to take action for the man.

"I tried and faild. The situation is far out of hand for me to control. If he had come to me earlier maybe I would have been able to block it but now it's too late"

Professor explained and Rogue perked up as he spoke.

"Is it actually possible to block powers?" Rogue asked interested.

"Sometimes" Professor answered lowering his voice taking a small glance at me.

If someone wasn't paying attention they would have missed it. It was so quick that I bearly caught it.

"Anyways that not the point here. I tired to convince Hank to join us at the institute again for training but he rejected my proposal and said that he wilk find a way to control it on his own but I have a bad feeling about this. That's why i wanted to ask you to keep an eye on him at school without revealing that you know what bothers him"

Professor finally said and everyone nodded in agreement.I didn't though.
I was focused on something else.

"Of course Professor!" Jean said
"No worries professor we got this" Scott reassured.

"We are gonna be watching him like hawks!" Evan yelled in excitement.

He hid that from us and revealed it now that he needs our help. If he didn't need us he wouldn't have asked and if he wouldn't have asked he never would have told us about McCoy.

Which brings us to this.

He has so many secrets I know it and he will only share with us when he needs our help.

Maybe Mystique was right.

Maybe we are just puppets for Charles Xavier and we are still waiting for that blade that will cut our strings but not for us to fall but to stand on our own two feet.

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