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Andromeda Galaxy, planet alpharan, reiwa kingdom

It was a morning sunny day in the kingdom of reiwa, the sea is calm, birds chirping, the sun shines like no tomorrow.

In the kingdom reiwa's capital, fujitsu, which resemble that of an 18th or early 19th century Tokyo, people flock in and out in the merchant halls and city's. Buying stuff of goods in a hefty price, some there are children playing in the side of the road, and a car resembles that of a carl benz the patent motor car in the 18th century, driving slowly to avoid crash from children on the side of the road.

 Buying stuff of goods in a hefty price, some there are children playing in the side of the road, and a car resembles that of a carl benz the patent motor car in the 18th century, driving slowly to avoid crash from children on the side of the road

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But instead of using a gasoline one-cylinder two-stroke unit like on earth. It uses a magi engines, it was first of its kind in reiwa kingdom, made by tashima magi inc. it uses a magic stones/gems in a enchanted container to power the car, people who have a decent money could buy this car, but the magic gems are very expensive, only 1 in 2.000 people have this, So its very rare.

In the center of the city , there's the capital and home to the empress of reiwa kingdom,
Reiwa grand palace, a home for the empress and her family, inside of the palace, a beautiful garden of flowers of many species across reiwa kingdom. in the middle of said garden there was a woman in her mid 20s, wearing a formal kimono with pin of a reiwa logo in the side of her left chest and her hair tied like a mushroom, sitting with her legs folded in a mat with a table of teapot. she's the leader of the reiwa dynasty, empress reiwa the XXth. she's sitting in the garden with a hot tea in her hand, enjoying the scenery of the garden. this is the 10th day in the throne of the kingdom, even though this week the country is stable, but the threat from the other side of the continent make the empress and her people on edge, the thuulan empire.

reckless and a barbarian country that harassed the west border of the reiwa kingdom for days with their new weapon of hwacha launchers. the empress facepalmed, knowing that if this keeps happening, the thuulans will make a move to the reiwan soil, becoming an invasion. after she facepalmed, she looked the rippling of the tea in her mug, thinking of what she would do next.

empress reiwa: by the goddess..... what should I do..... if this keeps up.... the border will be overrun..... 

the empress's head is filled with many thoughts, what if the border got destroyed? what if they started to kill innocent lives because we are an "inferior race"? reiwa wants this conflict to be diplomatic, not sheer brute force. after all of the harassments near the border, they had no other choice but to retaliate the invaders if they come close.

in the midst of that, a knocked can be heard in the sliding door in the right side of the empress, "come in!" the empress said, the sliding door open, it was her sister, Airi reiwa. wearing a what appears to be a shogun armor with reiwa logo on it,  a bloom purple flower and a sword crossed in the back. airi took a knee folding position and bow to the empress. in her hand there a scroll with a reiwa logo with a wax. 

Airi: m' lady, the reports are in from the west border! (she opens the scroll and read it out loud.) the border received multiple arrow shots from the thuulian hwachas, there are only 20 dead and 5 injured, m' lady! 

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