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12 o'clock lunch time, elysium port station, city of Polanzia.

the general system luxury vehicle (GSLV) is slowly land to port on the elysium station. after the vehicle landed, all of the Reiwan envoys started to come out of the vehicle with their stuff, even though they have seen enough of culture shock with just seeing the inside of the luxury vehicle, THEY ARE WRONG.

the moment they were stepped out of the ship, on their right side, there's another luxury vehicle, but this one is LARGER that the one they were in, and more extravagant with a golden motif paint of an peafowl bird on the side. after the other ship landed, the ship's gats opened and people are coming out of the ship, but these humans are different than normal human, the group saw that they there tall, the same as mr. Krag. and of course they have a beautiful face and their bodies are clean and extravagant, they are so beautiful in fact that the group couldn't see the difference between a girl and a boy.

the weird thing that the reiwan envoy see is their outfits, some of them are wearing some sort of a tight suits that they can see some girls curves, some of them wearing almost revealing clothes of some robe, the reiwans thought that they are some sort of a noble or an elite in the UGCF society, so Haruka ask krag to tell them that if they are a noble, and Krag kindly says that these are civilians that are come from these giant ship in space called "general systems vehicle (GSV)", a massive ship habitat, it is so massive that it has a fully functional city in the center of the ship, they've come to this city to settle their home vacation. of course their eyes widened that those are civilians that are essentially back from their vacation, IN SPACE.

the Rewian group's sense of logic has been broken.....

they didn't think that these...... giant beings, having some sort of vacation on a place that any country in this world cannot achieve, but that said vacation are a giant flying city ship in space, the group are just standing there dumbfounded of what they had just heard.

Krag: alright gentlemen! let's go to our next vehicle to go to one of our finest hotels in this city. oh! looks like our vehicle has arrived!

the group sees a white horseless carriage in the distance, for a modern person, they see an almost similar design to that of a limousine but with no wheels or any windows at all. what the group are seeing is their famous medium luxury limousine vehicle "golden horse".

 what the group are seeing is their famous medium luxury limousine vehicle "golden horse"

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the reiwan envoys are in awe of the design of the long horseless carriage. It was massive, sleek and very clean, and the most shocking and out of logic and sense is that the carriage itself is that it has no wheels, it was instead floating from the ground.

haruka: wait....... the carriage is..... floating!!?

Takeda: holy shit.... this is beyond my understanding of magic itself, the only one understand this floating magic is the empire of luxia themselves. but how are they gonna replicate these kinds of stuff?

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