chapter 3: FIRST CONTACT #2

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planet alpharan orbit, GSC britannia

in the planet alpharan's orbit, GS britannia and other spaceships are guarding a newly build space station, using a nanobots called NANOPHAGES, the UGS can create the space station at a molecular level and shortened the building time to 10 to 4 days straight. after the portal jump and colonization of PRIMUS 1, GENERAL SYSTEM CARRIER britannia found a rather a strong signal a few lights years away from PRIMUS 1, the ship carrier thought it was just a malfunction, the AI rebooted the subspace radar systems and the signal is still there. and that means one thing, there's life somewhere in this galaxy.

even the captain of the GS britannia, captain lasky , is surprised by this revelation that this planet that they now dubbed "alpharan" as the natives of the planet called it, due to the artificial intelligence immense scanning abilities and faster thinking than humans, the planet are now fully scanned, even satellite are already in orbit from many spaceships. as of this operation unfold, in GS britannia's bridge, captain lasky is sitting in the chair with armrest, looking the blue ocean and brownish land. apparently, the planet it self is 7.2 times the size of earth, so it was pretty massive. the captain feels nostalgic seeing the planet. even though he was born in the delta sector, earth is in the alpha sector, the home and a cradle of humanity. after some time looking the planet, an officer from the bridge tell the captain an urgent news.

officer A: captain! layla is already fully mapped the planet, and the rest of the probe automatons are already going back to our ship carrier!

Layla is an type 4 artificial intelligence on board of CSS britania, every single warship of the galactic cosmo navy has one or tow AIs on board.

cpt.lasky: good. now i heard that GENERAL SYSTEM ingenuity will make an artificial continent on east far away from a country called reiwa kingdom, sigh* even their capital of Fujitsu it's almost like capital of Tokyo of early 19th century earth, it's still surprising that the culture of this planet have any lifeforms, alright, show me the map Layla.

the officer tap many buttons from the control pad. and then a blue glow hologram appeared in the bridge, a map of planet alpharan.

 and then a blue glow hologram appeared in the bridge, a map of planet alpharan

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Cpt. Lasky: would you look at that, look at all of These continents, i heard some of these country's technology are varied, some of them are medieval era, some of them ww1-2 tech. even some have cold war era tech. a very interesting planet indeed.

Layla: sir! permission to speak!

cpt.lasky: permission granted Layla, what is it?

Layla: <i've got many signals on my advanced radar sights behind probe AI-201 and AI-202, they are still on route to the ship but they've been followed by someone.>

Cpt.lasky: someone?

Layla: <yes sir, upon inspection, the probe have been followed by a fleet of wooden ships sir.>

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