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Reiwa kingdom, reiwan palace, meeting hall, evening

the day was now evening, The two groups are now inside of the kingdom's palace, heading to the meeting hall to discuss further of their diplomatic matters, the two soldier behind mr krag still follows him from his side, haruka on the other hand, are in awe of his sheer size, in his mind he calculates that his height is about 5 or 6 METERS TALL, which is very massive for a man like mr. krag, thank god this palace is VERY BIG. and the aura feeling of uneasiness and dread resonates from mr. krag, he doesn't know why he felt uncomfortable near this..... giant.... as if he's not human.......

krag: i will be happily to cooperate with your country lord haruka, we've already know that your country is in trouble in neighboring country far west, that's why we hurried to make some diplomacy to your country.

haruka: i-i see......

after a minute or so, they have arrived at the meeting hall gate. haruka opened both of the doors, inside is a very big room, and there are many reiwan officials in a long table, including lord sezo of the head general of the reiwan army, lord sezo especially curious of this new emerging country. sezo stands up and cleared his throat to welcome the UGCF diplomat.

sezo: ah welcome! fellow delegations of the UGCF!! we have been expecting you! my name is lord sezo of the head general of the reiwan army. please, have a seat!

haruka and krag takes a seat, but krag sees the chair is small, so he wave and used the nano phages in the palm of his hands to make it wide and have enough support the chair, and then krag sits down, while the officials are shocked to see what krag is doing, all they see is just almost like a smoke, twirling on krag's hands and then transfromed the chair to make it bigger.

reiwan official: W-WHAT THE-!! Mr. Krag, was that magic?!

krag: oh my apologies, the chair seems rather small for my back, so i make some adjustments with my nanophages.

haruka: nanophages....?

krag: yes, a technological marvel available in our civilian society and in our military, it helps us build many stuffs, even include curing some disease, even though we have panacea in our country. it still used solely on the military.

the reiwan officials jaw dropped when they heard this, that grey smoke thing is pure technology? curing diseases?! and this thing are available in the civilian world?!! it is an insane thing to have of such item, this grey smoke are able to make strong infrastructure for the people in need of immediate housing. but the downside is to manufacture many of these 'grey of smokes' as the officials refer to it now, so it must be very expensive for the UGCF to make these.

krag: oh i forgot to tell you that these nanophages are self replicating, so there's no need to worry of manufacturing these.

the officials: WHAT??!!!

these grey smoke are able to 'self replicating'??!!! these words give many officials a headache, even an intelligent lord haruka is struggling to wipe his head around. 

sezo: i-i see.....(wipes a sweat around his forehead) alright let's get to the point here, what is the purpose of coming here mr. krag? i'm surely it's not for sightseeing of our imperial palace or our gardens. so, what is it you are after?

krag: i see that you want to get straight to the point, first.....allow me to introduce our country of UGCF.

krag picks up his hologram device and puts it in the middle of the table, an then the device activates revealing basic information of the UGCF in a blueish background, the reiwans eyes widened and their jaws dropped, in the blink of eye, the information is already set in front of them, they thought mr krag is gonna take some good'old papers on his backpack, but to the reiwans surprise, this was on another level.

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