Chapter 30: Watch out Tokyo Pt: 4

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Several hours after I woke up and started making my way around the others woke up and Rachel flew and tackled me to the ground with a deadly hug.
I cried out as she instantly pulled away with an apologetic look while I gave her a smirk.
"I didn't say stop now did I?"
She smacked me across the face so fast I thought my head would spin off.

"You should've woken me up or snuggled me."
She muttered under her breath as her expression softened before giving me a loving kiss but then tilted her head and notched an eyebrow.
"Babe, when was the last time you ate?"

"Uhhhhhhhh..... Before we came here."
As soon as I said this my stomach made an audible growling noise which caused me to hold my sides.

Some sighed with relief when they realized my current pain was brought on by hunger.
"It's good to know that you are alright friend Dante. And that you haven't lost your appetite."

Victor nodded in agreement.
"Wish you could have seen the demon we took down. When we were fighting the damn thing I thought for a second that it had a skull thicker than yours."

"Thanks for catching me Gar."
I said as we fist bumped.

"Always my man!"
He smiled as the rest of the Titans and Task Force X walked up.

"Why don't we just leave the rest to him? I mean he's OD as hell itself anyway."
Bumble Bee asked as she stood there with her arms crossed and a smirk.

In Spanish:
"What you did was so incredibly insane!!"
Mas Y Menos exclaimed as they sped around me.

"Yeah I know. Maybe when this is all over I'll cook you guys some homemade tamales, sound good?"
Their eyes lit up with glee at the mention of their favorite food.

In English:
"You handled Deimos pretty well matchstick."
Dickhead says as we high fived.

Once we checked in with one another and ate our fill of MRE's we went onto coordinate with the military and police to rebuild defenses at the cemetery which has been reduced to nothing more than rubble within a few decently sized craters, puddles of multicolored blood, and bones of the undead that had been raised.

In Russian:
"It's nice to fight alongside a warrior as strong as yourself Dante. And a pleasure to meet you finally. I have been informed of your adventures since you joined the Titans."
RedStar and I gave eachother a warriors grip.

"Likewise, I've heard you can kick quite a bit of ass all on your own as well."
RedStar chuckled as we continued walking.

In English:
"Anything new about the barrier around the shrine beneath Mt. Fugi dad?"
I asked.

He shook his head.
"Two things; Jack and shite but Jack left town a loooong fockin time ago."
He lit up a smoke and took a drag.
"I've got a crazy idea though."

Zatanna rolled her eyes.
"Course you do, I feel bad that you inherited that from your dad Dante."

Dad whipped his head towards her and gave her a look of what the fuck?
"Oi love, I know I've made my share of mistakes but through them I've learned a thing or two."

She chuckled and gave him a quick kiss.
"I'm just bustin your balls "love"."

The rest of us were snickering or just outright laughing as Dad went onto explain.
"Kagutsuchi made the barrier from his own soul. It's impenetrable by any conventional weapons as well direct magical attacks. Can't scratch the fucker let alone put a dent in it like that."
He took a drag of his cigarette.
"Dante, the only one who I believe can do this is you. My plan involves your soul."

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