ep 4 / when your cop post as taken away

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A/n(Sharly) POV


*Y/n slept as tomorrow she as to go to police station as she as some work there but she doesn't know that tomorrow she will get some news which her life will be changed...now lets see what will happen...*

Time to next day

*Y/n wake up..she open her eyes and saw first thing that makes her scared..she was about to scream but that person put hands on y/n's mouth*
??? : Ahh be quite or else anybody will come to your room bcz of your scream..
Y/n : why the hell you are doing in my room taehyung?
Taehyung : not only me and my 2 other brothers to here right behind you..

*She looked behind and saw jungkook and jimin sitting there...*
Jimin and jungkook : hii good morning jagiya( honey) *smile*
Y/n : hiii good morning..and now get out from my room *said in serious tone making them pout*
Vminkook : NO *lay on her bed.. meanwhile y/n get up from the bed and pick her phone and call someone*
Jimin : whom you are calling?
Y/n : Jin oppa he told me if any of the guy distrub me then to call him...

Vminkook : WHAT ? *Shock* BYE *ran out of her room making y/n laugh at them*
Y/n : aish such a scary cats they are...*shake her head* anyway let's go and get ready i need to go to the Deputy commissioner office....*with that she got ready and wear her police officer uniform...and went to living room to eat her breakfast*
Y/n mom : y/n are you going on ur work?

Y/n : yes mom that Deputy commissioner called me today..
Y/n dad : why? *Confused* didn't he know that you are getting married and you are on leave..?
Y/n : he know dad but he want to today bcz he had to say something to me that's why i m going..*y/n dad nod his head..after breakfast y/n was about to go but taehyung immediately hug her making her shock*

Taehyung : y/n idk why but i have some bad feeling that something is gonna happen so just in case you be careful..*y/n nod her head..but next move of taehyung shock her..he kiss her forehead infront of everyone..not only y/n but everyone in living room got shock*
Everyone ex BTS and y/n : aww so cute...

*But she again got shock when other BTS members to kiss her forehead.. not only y/n but other people in living room to..while BTS mom and dad smile seeing their sons are carry towards their soon to be their wife...*
BTS : bye take care...*wave at her..y/n smile and wave at them back..and left the house*

Time skip to Deputy commissioner

*Y/n reach to Deputy commissioner office..y/n salute to him*
Y/n : sir you called me ? What happened?
Deputy commissioner : well ms y/n i'm sorry to say this but here is ur suspense letter...*give y/n her letter*
Y/n : *took the letter* suspense letter? But why? I did nothing wrong sir.

Deputy commissioner : ik ms y/n but the thing is till i say something you need to be suspended infront of the whole world bcz right now the underground mafia is finding you bcz you arrested his sister and his sister die in jail that's why now he is wants to take revenge from you so for that for a now until you get married to those mafias you need to be safe and also once you get married you eventually and secretly you will be transferred to south korea police department..

Deputy commissioner : so once you married that you will get those mafias protection...
Y/n : y-you know my fiances are been mafias? *Shock*
Deputy commissioner : yes ik that's why i took these step...as your soon to be husbands are also mafias so they know how to protect you from that underground mafia...and you will start you work whenever you are comfortable in south korea..from here i will help you and there mine friend also help you in your every steps...

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