Chapter 6: Walking and Talking

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The sun was climbing higher into the sky, signifying the approaching afternoon

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The sun was climbing higher into the sky, signifying the approaching afternoon. The day's warmth was finally beginning to be felt more apparently to those who were out and about outside in the Pridelands. Two of which were walking slowly together, enjoying the beautiful weather. Two animals who months ago would have been bitter enemies and clambering to get at the other's throat. But now, their circumstances have changed, and now both had the chance to get to know one another. In fact, these two had probably known each other since they were much younger, living on the same land as it got dryer and less hospitable.

Zoww and Nala both trudged over a hill, letting their paws and the wind decide their destination. They didn't have a place in mind currently, only that they were moving away from that river together and that they were going to talk more before they found something to eat. Nala would be the first to break the awkward silence. As queen, she figured it her duty to open up with others.

"So...Zoww, how long have you been in the Pridelands, if I may ask. You don't seem to have been here long." Nala asked Zoww softly. She was more focused on keeping a steady pace, which had gotten harder for her these days in the advanced stages of her pregnancy. It was the swaying that got to her, especially in conjunction with the wiggling feeling of her unborn cubs. It was quite an overwhelming feeling to say the least.

"Oh, a couple days. That's about as long as I've been back from where I was, but like I said, I'll tell you those details when I'm ready. Though...technically speaking I've always kinda been here. Most of my life at least." There was a bit of hesitation with that last comment from Zoww. He hadn't told her where he was from, and not he had flat out admitted that he was from Shenzi's clan.

Nala immediately glanced towards the plump hyena with a surprised expression. "You grew up here? In the Pridelands? That must mean you were part of Scar's army...and..." Nala trailed off. He knew her tone was starting to sound accusatory, and she immediately caught herself.

"Oh! No no, I had nothing to do with...Mufasa was it? The last king? I was just a pup at that point, and new to the clan after Shenzi accepted my father and I in. I didn't know anything about the plan except rumors I heard when I started getting older." Zoww looked a little nervous. A lesser person could easily slam him for being guilty by association.

"I see...I understand. You were too young to know the evil of what your leader was planning. I understand that your clan was in a tough spot...but there are other solutions other than usurping the throne. Especially for a king who didn't know what he was doing. Were you one of the hyenas who was fighting for him?" Nala questioned him again, her time curious.

"Well....heh...yeah, I did kinda jump in and try and fight for my clan. I got thrown out of there by a really tough lioness though. She had eyes like..." Zoww looked to Nala again and noticed the lioness smirking at him. "Oh! Heh! You nearly killed me twice up there. Small world! hard feelings?" Zoww forced a big smile, and the queen simply chuckled.

"Ha. No hard feelings. I think you've learned your lesson for what it's worth. There is one thing I'd like to know however. You said your clan is missing. You mean from the Graveyard?" Her brow furrowed. She wasn't expecting Shenzi's clan to have just up and left that dreaded boneyard. Though it was a small relief, and made her feel safe enough to openly go out and about like this, despite a few other threats she'd failed to consider.

The hyena nodded his head. "It was one of the first places I checked. It's deserted. Outside and in. You can send that blue bird to check if you don't believe me...assuming nobody ate him during the chaos."

The last comment made Nala chuckle softly before she answered him. She found Zoww's awkwardness very amusing. "I might, just to be sure. But no, Zazu wasn't eaten, thankfully. He's still our majordomo and I'm positive he's already seen us together...just food for thought." Another smirk came across her face.

Her smirk then twisted into a wince as their conversation was rudely interrupted by the sound of Nala's rotund belly interjecting with a deep and notably loud groan. She was hungry, and the cubs were VERY hungry. Nala gazed back towards her belly as it swayed behind her.

"Goodness. Relax there, little ones. We'll have something for you soon. Don't be to rough on me, alright?" Nala spoke softly towards her soon-to-be born cubs.

"How many are you having? I noticed you're...uh...well, I've seen pregnant lionesses before, and you are the...the fattest? No no, the most plump."

"Ppft! Zoww! You are a bold one, I'll give you that. It's not like I chose to grow so large. The Circle of Life decides how many cubs I am blessed with. Three, by the way. I'm having three, at least that's what Rafiki has predicted." She opened with an offended tone, though she saw the remark coming and played along. She was surprised to have so much chemistry with this hyena she'd only met recently. He was charming, and it made her more relaxed in the moment.

"Three babies? The Circle must be really happy that you ran off to find Simba, heh!" Zoww giggled, giving Nala's body another once over with his eyes.

Nala chuckled with Zoww heartily. "I suppose I have earned it, haven't I? You definitely seem to agree, hyena. Wait.."

Nala came to an abrupt stop and closed her eyes. She began to sniff around, taking in a deep breath. Once she had got the scent locked, she opened her eyes as Zoww moved up closer to her side.

"What's up? It's not time is it??"

"No. Not yet at least...but I think I found the solution to our hunger. Ibex. Dead. Two kilometers. You smell it too?" Nala looked towards the plump hyena as he too began to sniff the air.

"Hmmm...yeah! I do sense it! Oh and it smells so good.."

Now it was Zoww's turn for his tummy to join in the chorus of their hunger. The grumble that emitted from the hyena's gut was louder than Nala's and actually caused his belly to ripple visibly. It made Zoww blush in alarm.

"And here I thought I was the one having cravings. Goodness Zoww, you make Pumbaa sound like a mouse in comparison."

"I'll uh, take that as a compliment! Let's go before our bellies get into a growling contest!" He then trotted ahead of Nala.

Nala couldn't help but giggle softly and shake her head. She couldn't believe she was admitting it in her own head, but she was quite enjoying herself at this point. This hyena was not only looking to redeem himself for being with Scar's side, but he made her feel comfortable to be herself. She normally showed this side around Simba, but Nala never quite grew out of that fun living cub she started out being. Joking and teasing around with this new friend brought that side out of her, and she never expected it to happen with a hyena. Though, he was still a mystery to her, especially with how he was holding out on sharing his past with her. But Nala knew these things came with time if she let them, and now focused on feeding her future kings and/or queens, she stepped slowly forward and continued on the path towards their food.

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