Getting to Know You

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"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me too."

I smiled as the girl portraying Anna in this rendition of The King and I started singing one of my favorite songs in the play. Richard, then took my hand and laced our fingers together. I looked to him and he was smiling as he sang, quietly, the next verse of the song.

"Getting to know you, putting it my way, but nicely. You are precisely, my cup of tea."

I giggled as he kissed my nose and then as we were shushed by other people around us we both chuckled and stood, our hands still laced together. we ran out the doors and were soon flocked by a myriad of paparazzi.

"Lady Greenway! Prince Richard!" A man with light brown hair and blue eyes, with a recorder in his hand, stopped us first. "Hello! My name is Martin and I would like to interview before the wedding next week!"

I looked to Richard and without a second thought we put on big smiles and ran. Richard's mother thought it would be a good idea if we went out a couple of times before the big day and this always happened, no matter how secretive we were. I sighed and ran alongside my soon-to-be husband.

We were a little down the way when the worst thing could have happened, I twisted my ankle, bringing Richard down with me. he landed in between my legs and his knee hit my already twisted ankle. I gasped in pain and we looked into each others eyes before Richard jumped up to check my injuries.

"Where does it hurt love?"

"My ankle, I think I sprained it." He picked up my injured ankle and I almost screamed. "Bloody Hell, Richard!" I looked at the ankle in question and it was almost three times bigger than normal .

"Right, I'm going to have to carry you."

I blushed, "But Richard, I'm too heavy. We should just call a taxi."

"Buckingham Palace isn't that far, I can just carry you." And with that he did. He carried me all the way to Buckingham Palace and all the way into our room, where my mother was waiting, furious with our sleeping arrangements.

"What do you two think you are doing sleeping in the same room before you are married?!" She held up one of my bras and my world fell from underneath me even as Richard was holding me.

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