The Brunch

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Everything started out fine as we sat down to a private brunch on the patio of Buckingham Palace, but with my luck, everything fell to pieces. It started with Jam dropping onto my dress and then Richard jumping up to help me clean it, which in turn had bumped the table and then everything spilt, toward my end of the table. My luggage hadn't arrived yet so I was in a very dirty dress for the better part of an hour waiting for my things to arrive.

I tried not to cry but by the time five minutes went by I was in the bathroom crying and trying to wash out the stains. A knock came on the door and a soft voice called from the other side. "Are you alright sweetie?"

The door opened and Richard walked in. My dress was lying on the bathroom counter and my cardigan was on the floor this day couldn't get any worse. I crossed my arms and stood with all the dignity I could muster. "Pet names already?" He smiled, looked at me with appreciation and then blushed, probably remembering that he was old enough to be my dad. In his hands he held a shirt and while looking to the ceiling he handed it to me.

I slipped it over my head and sighed as the shirt slid past my knees. It was overly large but I was happy to be in something that wasn't dirty. And then I smelled the shirt. It was his, of course it was his, that would explain why it was so big. I looked at if and realized that it was the shirt he had just been wearing.

"Thank you."

He nodded looked at his feet and then held out his hand to me. I took it and blushed a little myself. I was wearing what was essentially lingerie and a T-shirt. Quite the charmer. We were walking into the residential area of the palace. I looked around and recognized a certain door on the right, his door.

"Mother decided that it would be healthy if we used the same room although if you feel uncomfortable about it than I can arrange another room for myself."

I looked at him and then blushed a little, "Really? Richard you know what happened the last time we went through those doors. I'll be just fine sleeping in the same room."

He blushed again as I hinted as to what had happened although I was still a virgin. We were drunk and I followed him to his room and we had an amazing night full of laughing and cuddles and a little heavy touching. And then I woke in the morning, saw that we were laying in bed both naked, I stole his bath robe, and ran down the corridor to my own room. my mother had been angry but I didn't care because I was happy that he could do so many things with his tongue!

I laughed and pulled him into the room. Giving him my best seductive smile and sitting on the bed. Richard smiled and took his shirt off. I pulled up my shirt and then stopped as there was a knock on the door. We jumped apart and Richard called, "Come in?"

I laughed as a maid walked in with a bundle of cloth that looked kind of like my dress and cardigan. "The mistress wanted me to take these to the cleaners but these stains will never come out."

"Jacqueline it's fine, don't worry about it."

She blushed as she noticed my halfway off shirt and his unbuttoned one. "I'll leave now. I'll tell the mistress about this and uhm..." Jacqueline ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

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