Awkward Silence

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Prince Richard opened the door and as I was trying to get in a gust of wind blew and the gates chose that moment to decide that the world needed to know that I was wearing a very pink very lacy pair of underwear and garter to keep my stockings up. I got into the car very quickly after that and hoped that Richard hadn't seen that. But then I remembered that our wedding was in a month and he would see that anyway. Richard took that moment to get into the car as I was pulling my dress back down. He blushed a little but I could feel my face heat up like a stove.

We were off to Buckingham Palace to have brunch with his mother and two sisters, Anna and Ellen. I looked out the Taxi window and saw the streets lined with people some waving flags, others with banners, and a few with signs that read 'KICK that IRISH BITCH out of ENGLAND!'

"Quite the controversy over our engagement, isn't there Richard?"

He in turn was also looking out the window and he nodded, "The whole of England has known about our engagement since you were born, Ember. But I guess some people never change."

"Oh aye, especially since I'm not actually Irish." I said letting my Scottish slip out on purpose.


I had revealed my true nature to Richard the night that he formally proposed to me and he had known that I was the lost princess of Scotland long before I had even met him. "When do we plan on telling the rest of the world as to I am?"

"When you're ready." He said quietly.

I smiled and thanked the Lord that I would soon have an understanding husband. We were supposed to take this month and get to know each other better before we said our vows but I wished that I wasn't who I am. We rode in more silence as we stared out the window and then a blush creeped up Richards neck and into his cheeks and I pretty much knew why. I ignored it although I did find some delight in it.

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