Like Fire, Hell Fire, This Burning in My Skin

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I just stared at him as my body flashed hot and cold. He was right there within the reach of my fingers and I couldn't do anything. My mothers screams and fathers yelling echoed in my ears until it was deafening and I almost cried.

"Get out of my country or else I will have you executed. Evergreen Cornwall you are here by banished from England and the UK. Leave before I have you thrown into a crate and shipped off to Siberia!" Richard Yelled.

"My, my aren't we a little touchy. I only wanted to congratulate you two and see the princess, who slipped through my fingers thirteen years ago, all grown up." He reaches out the touch my cheek and Richard grabbed his wrist as it brushed against my cheek. A whimper escaped my mouth and I was taken to the jet.

"I think we are done here, good day Prince Richard." He turned toward the plane and nodded toward the window I was looking out of. I jumped back from the window and the events from that night washed over me like a cold wave.

The dark figure who pushed Aunt Liza out of the window. His short white hair and beak like nose. His way too friendly smile and his earth brown eyes. He was there that night, in Buckingham Palace. Richard scared me as he hugged me. I didn't realize I was shaking until I was in his arms. Tears were dripping down my cheeks and I was babbling about that night.

"Althea, Althea listen to me. Althea. Love?"

I had fallen silent and just stared out the window at the retreating car. "It was him. That night, he was the one who murdered my mother and then pushed me out after. Richard we have to stop him, we have to bring him to justice."

"We will love, I promise."

I smiled and relaxed against him and we walked to the back to change. I was suddenly nervous. After this night everything would be different. I tried to unlace the back of my dress but I couldn't. Infernal thing was made to be taken off by another person. I blushed as soft yet strong hands moved mine away and slowly unlaced the bodice of my dress. My dress slipped off my shoulders showing Richard my tattoo. He chuckled at the words but I teared up.

"A great friend of mine moved to America and then a few years later he committed suicide. This was a saying that was at his funeral and on his memorial."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed."

"You're fine, it was several years ago. I am at peace with his death."

He kissed the tattoo and I smiled. He trailed kisses down the length of my back. He had my dress on the floor of the cabin before I could even blink and then there was a knock on the door and a muffled voice saying that we were ready to take off. I stepped out of the dress and walked to the closet. I saw a familiar looking dress and pulled it out. I turned to my husband, dress in hand, "Where did this come from?"

He looked at me a little sheepishly, "I bought it after Jacqueline threw out the ruined one."

I sighed. This dress wasn't cheap and it could only be ordered from Ireland. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to see the way it hugged you again. You are not a princess but a goddess." He stood and took the dress off the hanger and unzipped it. "I want you to have everything and want for nothing. I want to show you how my love for you has grown from nothing to a full rose. You are my light in the darkness. You are the Sky, the Sun, and the Moon. You are my wife, my queen, and my country. I love you."
He zipped up the dress as he said the last three words and then he just held me. Another knock on the door and the plane moving into position was our sign to sit and brace for takeoff.

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