Scarlet Speedster and Emerald Archer I. Part I: A Cold Cry

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April 25th 2024


It was a typically sunny day in the City of Metropolis. People on the street going about their daily lives. Birds is the trees singing. It was just a perfectly happy day.

At least, it was. Until the super-villains attacked.

"This is Lois Lane, reporting Live from the supposed launch of the Justice Leagues new orbital Space Station Base, known as the Watchtower." The Wife of Superman reported from the Daily Planet Helicopter. "The Joint Venture of STAR Labs, Luthor Corp, Queen Industries, Palmer Tech and Wayne Enterprises was supposed to launch following a press-conference led by the Leagues founding members, but it was interrupted by the sudden attack of a veritable legion of Super-Villains, christened by social media as the Injustice Lea- Oh, Shit!" she suddenly shouted as a a red-blue-blur shot passed, revealing her cousin-in-law fighting against her twisted clone.

Kara Queen, known these days as Superwoman (having changed her name a couple of years after the Crisis) was fighting her Bizzaro Clone created by Maxwell Lord. Bizzaro was still dressed in a darker version of Kara's original suit with the skirt, with her symbol reversed. Her hair remained long, unlike Superwoman's who had cut her hair to chin-length not long ago.

Nearby, Superman was fighting John Corben aka Metallo, the Man of Steel having activated his Anti-Kryptonite suit to combat the Kryptonite powered Cyborg.

Eventually, Superwoman delivered a blow to her clone and sent her falling down to crash on a rooftop down below. Sara Allen aka the White Canary and Mon-El aka Valor, who had been fighting nearby, ran over to restrain the clone with Blue Kryptonite Cuffs.

"Canary. Valor." Superwoman nodded to her friends as she landed. "Lets try to wrap this up. I need to get to the Watchtower." More of the villains, led by their Leader Adrian Chase aka Prometheus, had invaded the Tower. They didn't know what they wanted, but it couldn't be good.

Sara nodded. "Preferably before Chase throws something else at us." she suggested, but then at that moment there was a loud thud from behind them as someone landed hard on the rooftop.

The trio turned to see their friend and fellow hero, Samantha Arias aka Raya-L, better known as the superhero, Ultrawoman. The former World Killer was dressed in a dark blue suit, similar to Kara's only darker with a yellow diamond on her chest with a U symbol on it. She was also visibly and badly injured.

"Sam!" Kara rushed to the side of her adoptive sister. Her mother Alura had adopted the woman following her separation from her World Killer self, Reign, with her powers intact. The woman was bleeding from her mouth, indicating some possible internal injury, with visible bruising on her face.

Another thud nearby saw the trio staring at the one responsible. Glaring at them in full World Killer mode, was Reign - or rather a Clone created by Lillian Luthor and Project Cadmus, who had likewise recreated Bizzaro.

"Reign." Kara growled at the sight of the being that had once come close to killing her. With little hesitation, Kara rushed forward to attack, only for the Clone to smack her aside before chasing after her.

Rolling her eyes, Sara commented to Mon-El. "Remind me, how many times do we need to remind her about the benefits of teamwork?" she asked as she helped Sam to her feet.

Mon just shrugged. "Kara sometimes forgets that she can't do everything on her own." he said with a smirk. He passed Sam fully to Sara. "Get Sam to Medical. I'll help Kara." And with that the Daxamite Prince flew off to chase after the two Kryptonians.

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