Flash / Green Arrow I.III: An Explosive Trick

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At the center of National City lies a Statue of Supergirl I, where James Jesse aka the Trickster and his son, Axle Walker aka Prank are setting up the bomb by Adrian's instructions.

Wearing spectacles as he read the instructions, Jesse spoke "Let's see, Cupid said remember to..." After a moment of button pressing, the bomb beeped and read 'Ready' on the screen. "Ah, there we are!" he said, cackling with glee.

Likewise laughing in deranged excitement, Axle cheered "You did it, Dad! It worked!" he said, similarly gleeful about the coming chaos.

Suddenly he hears a crackle of thunder. Prank looked in the direction it came from to see a burst of lightning coming closer at great speed. Knowing what - or rather WHO - this was, Prank tried to get his dads attention. "Uh, Dad...?"

Giggling, James stood while grinning evilly. "Back to van, Junior. The Speed Freak and I need to talk." he said as he prepared for what was to come.

Axle, worried for his father, put his hand on the Tricksters arm. "But Dad..." he tried, only for his father to deliver to him a vicious back slap to the face.

"GO!" Jesse growled, then turned not caring as his son walked away dejected and rejected. "This is no place for children." he said with a menacing giggle.

As Prank leaves with his head down, the Flash arrives and the Trickster greets him as though they were old friends. "Flashy Boy! I was wondering when you'd get here. " he said cheerfully, to the son of his elder nemesis. He and the original Flash had been enemies for years until he was imprisoned and Jay retired. "You know I told Chase that Snart wouldn't be able to kill you." he admitted.

"Pity for you, Jessie." the Scarlet Speedster said, not running in as the only thing you could predict about the Trickster. He was as unpredictable as the Joker (one of many reasons why Batman suspected some sort of relation between the two).

Flash takes a couple of steps forward cautiously as he asses the area for any traps, until the bomb beeps and now displays the word 'Armed' on it.

Trickster notes the man's caution. "Looking a little jittery, Flashy." he joked. He then wags his finger in mocking caution. "Too much coffee for you, me thinks. I only took it off stand-by." He holds up a small handheld device. "It's THIS button you need to worry about." he said with an evil grin.

Not too far away, Valor flew in at speed, carrying White Canary in his arms and Supergirl II at his side. "There they are." Sara said, spotting her husband and the madman. "Just keep him talking, Barry." she said to herself. She knew that if Barry wasn't just grabbing the man, then he had an important reason.

Further away but nearing, Batman was on his bike coming in fast with Martian Manhunter carrying Green Arrow, while Superman is flying beside in equal speed. The Martian turned to the Kryptonian. "Don't wait for us, Clark! Go!" he said.

Clark nodded and shot off.

Barry tried to convince his enemy. "You push that button and four million die!"

"Four million and TWO, Dearie." he corrected the man. "I was going to enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance, but now that you're here... what say we have one last dance."

As though in slow motion, Trickster was going to press the button as Flash rushes to stop him. Most of the Justice League arrives to stop him until sparks covers around Valor, White Canary, Martian Manhunter, Batman and Green Arrow as Supergirl II looks at Sara in confusion.

Soon, as The Flash was near Trickster, two jolts of lightning bolts seemingly shock them. And then, suddenly...


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