Back where Sara had left her friends, Batman jumped into the air and threw a batarang at his target, just as he was hit hard by a sonic cry which flung him into a parked car, smashing the windscreen as he landed on it.
The one responsible was none other than this Earths version of Tina Boland aka Blackbird, who was smirking at the two heroes evily, even as Green Arrow fired at the Evil Canary to distract her so that he could assist his friend.
Laughing evilly, Blackbird said "I have to admit Queen, seeing you and the Bat die again is something I only ever dreamt of." she opened her mouth to let out another cry, only to be knocked into a wall by another cry hitting her side on.
"Keep dreaming, Bitch!" The White Canary told her, making her appearance.
Blackbird recovered quickly and saw the one who dared to attack her. "Sara?! Why the hell are you attacking me?!" she asked incredulously. Then she noticed the colour of the blondes outfit. "And why are you back in white?"
But Sara just sneered as she stood between Boland and her friends. "My doppelganger really has lost it if she's willing to work with you Boland."
Realising that this wasn't the Sara she knew, Blackbird's glare grew. "You're the one whose lost it if you're going to stand with enemies of the Regime." And with that she unleashed a powerful sonic cry, only for Sara to meet it with her own cry.
It quickly became apparent that Sara's Canary Cry was stronger (her cry having become a genuine meta power rather than tech based after the Crisis), as she was able to push Tina's back, knocking her back and allowing her to get closer to deliver a punch before she could recover.
It quickly became apparent that, while a better fighter than her Earth-Prime counterpart, this Blackbird was still nothing to the White Canary. As a result, Sara only had a minimal struggle before she knocked the other woman out, but not before Blackbird let out another cry that just hit Oliver hard enough to fling him into the same car that Bruce was on.
The White Canary looked to the unconscious Blackbird with a smirk. "Looks like I'm resisting arrest. Again. Daddy'd be proud." she joked as she turned back to her friends.
"You okay, Ollie?" she asked her oldest friend helping him to his feet. She looked to see Bruce getting up from where he'd fallen on the police car. She was about to go check on him when Oliver got her attention.
"Um, Sara?" The Green Arrow nodded over her shoulder, causing her to turn and gasp slightly.
It was her! Dressed in an outfit more reminiscent of her original Canary suit consisting of black leather pants with a fishnet like pattern, a black corset under a black leather jacket. In her hands were a pair of escrima sticks.
Black Canary Sara smirked. "Someone say my name?" she asked rhetorically. The blonde cast a momentarily glance towards Oliver and looked sad.
Sara passed a look to Oliver and nodded to Bruce, before turning back to her doppelganger. "I have to admit, I'd forgotten how good I looked in black." she complimented, passing an appreciative glance to the other Canary's cleavage.
Other Sara shrugged with a smirk, knowing what her counterpart was thinking. "What can I say? Thought it was time for a change." she gave the White Canary her own appreciative look. "Though we definitely fill out that suit very nicely."
Sara smirked, but behind her Oliver rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Fight now! Flirt later!"
Both Saras pouted. "Spoilsport." they said in unison, before rushing each other. They quickly found themselves to be evenly matched.
As the two fought, Sara-Prime was able to get a good look at her counterpart, noticing that the other blond seemed older than herself. At least few years or so.

Injustice: Civil War
FanfictionFive years after the destruction of National City and the rise of the One Earth Regime by Kara Zor-El aka Superwoman, her former friend Barry Allen aka The Flash and his Insurgency call for aid from the Justice League of Earth-Prime in order to loos...