The Guei Gang

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Kumo has finally join Avengers officially and Spider-Man's name instantly spread across the world as he is now part of the world's mightiest hero team. As Kumo keep up with his normal hero day, the local gangs in New York seems to be acting up and more active than before. Because Kumo can't join international missions, he is now on a duty to watch over the gang activity in the city.

(Meeting Room)

In the meeting room, Kumo is giving the information about the gang that in the New York record and the ones he fought before.

Kumo: Seems like the Maggia and the other local gangs are getting more into the activity.

Nick: And you're telling us this when we already know this?

Kumo: I just want to say that I'll be taking care of this mess. These gangs keep getting more into it and cause more trouble.

Nick: Hmm. So I presume you can take care of this?

Kumo: I think so, but yes.

Nick: Okay then. But you make sure you don't do a lot of mess.

Kumo: I know what I trying to do here.

He get up and walk out from the room.

Nick: That kid has so much fire in his heart. Better he didn't get too ahead of himself.

(Time Skip)

After the meeting and returned to the city, Kumo is walking across the streets as he is looking for someone. After some walking, he saw Dr. Connors from distance who wave at him. Kumo smile and wave at him before rush toward Connors.

Kumo: Dr. Connors. Sorry I'm late. Traffic jam.

Connors: Nah, you don't have to worry about that. Even I have trouble in the subway.

Kumo: Why'd you call me all the way out here?

Connors: There's something I want you to meet. Come with me, but first, let's get some coffee.

Kumo: Oh, I know where the best one can be found!


After they bought some donuts and coffee from the Dunkin' Donuts, Kumo and Connors reach a building in the main street. They entered the building, walking through the place before entering a large room with much more high tech stuff.

At the Octavius Industries...

Kumo: Oh wow

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Kumo: Oh wow... Look at this place.

Connors: Welcome to Octavius Industries. Small but effective.

Kumo: I thought you were a professor at our school.

Connors: That is my main job now. Being here is like my part-time job. *sigh* Seeing this kind of place is one of those that can give me some peace...

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