More Ashley!!

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( Requested by: smth_bxnny, They requested for more youngest sister Ashley and I came to deliver!)

Scenario 1:

The Delightful Children From Down The Lane were out again fighting the Kids Next Door on some sort of competition involving physical activities, As always the KND wins and manages to humiliate the Delightful Children as they laugh at their defeat and leave with high prides.

The Delightful Children were all bruised up and covered in muck and dirt, Once they came back to the mansion to clean up they watch Ashley having a hard time with tidying her hair as well as looking more bruised than all of them.

This set off an alarm to the others as they realized she might've been hurt the most and they left her to be in so much pain rather than help her before, She also looked much dirtier than the others in which her siblings started taking action and went to get what they call the "Baby Sister Emergency Kit".

It's specifically for their youngest sister only and always kept in the most convenient places just in case of any sudden mishap just like how they are now.
They started taking out med kits, new clean clothes, rags to clean her and some tea for comfort.

She was unaware of the Baby Sister Emergency Kit (BSEK) until now in which the others always prepare for such occasions as well as making sure to bring one after every mission in which they forgot now.

David started cleaning her wounds, Lenny washing off excess dirt off of her skin, Constance fixing her with some clean comforting clothing and Bruce making sure she drinks her tea and comforts her when she feels in pain.

Afterwards, she was looking as good as new in much comfier clothing as well!

The others opened the television onto a disney movie and left Ashley there to keep her entertained while they all clean themselves up.

Once all of them changed into more comfy clothes and patched themselves up they went back to where Ashley was, She looked at them then smiled as she continued watching the movie.

They all sat around her and cuddled each other as they were covered with a big blanket and ice cream for their troubles.

Scenario 2:

A lost 4 year old was wandering around the mall looking for her siblings as tears were falling down her cheeks.

Ashley somehow managed to lose her siblings because she was following a mascot of a random store and got seperated from her siblings by accident, She started looking around for them and tried to familiarize her surroundings but it was all so scary for a 4 year old so she started crying.

Meanwhile at another part of the mall, The Delightful Children were frantically running around looking for their baby sister.
They were in very much distress knowing they lost her because they weren't paying attention and the consequence was them failing to find their sister who they know is probably scared out of her mind just like them.

Father brought his kids with him to the mall for some grocery shopping but he let them run around instead of watching over them, This of course lead to them getting seperated and if they don't find her until he notices they might get a worse punishment than timeout and possibly lose a sister forever.

Going back to Ashley, She was crying and yelling out for her siblings thinking they might hear her voice yet to no vail.

Then a staff noticed the crying toddler and offered to help look for her parents but she shook her head saying she needed to find the rest of her siblings.
The staff person understood and asked if they could help her, She agreed and held onto the person considering she didn't have a choice other than to trust an adult.

The two were walking around for 5 minutes until they heard voices calling out her name, The staff person walked towards where the voices would be located and found four children looking distrought.

Ashley yelled out for them which causes them to look at her direction and ran to her,
The staff person let her run into her siblings arms and had a group hug celebrating their reunion.

The staff person asked if they had any adults they came in the mall with and offered to help find them but like Ashley before they shook their heads and declined but thanked the staff person and said their goodbyes.

The rest of the shopping trip was them holding Ashley and making sure she doesn't wander off again until it was time for them to go home.


• After the mall incident, they refused to leave Ashley from their sight and always watched her every move.

• She was an easily-distracted child and can wander off any moment but her siblings tried to keep an eye on her.

• She was then on not allowed to go anywhere without her siblings and would sometimes have to use a child harnest Father usually uses on them.

• The (BSEK) was specifically designed for Ashley only and was made a few years after her mall incident, So around when Ashley was 6 years old they were already making a kit to help Ashley after some accidents.

• They always cuddle on the couch or in their room and eat ice cream just like Father whenever their plan fails.

• She probably used to be the shortest when she was a toddler but then grew taller afterwards.

• David would always bring the child harnest with him just in case another incident happens and they need it for Ashley, Lenny is the one who brings the BSEK every mission they go to.

• She would always be put first whenever they need to patch up or change clothes.

• They always take turns brushing and drying her hair after every bath or every attire change.

• They always fight over who brushes her hair, gives her snacks or even cuddle her. So usually they all do it by Ashley's command.

(Thank you again for requesting, These were fun to write and I absolutely love baby Ashley. I appreciate your support, Hope you guys enjoyed!💙)

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